GLOBE Bulletin

June 20, 2000:
Ambassador Visits With GLOBE School

U. S. Ambassador J. Richard Fredericks is visiting GLOBE school Etablissement Primaire Pestalozzi in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, this week to meet with Miss Valerie Depardieu's 4th grade GLOBE class of students from nine countries.

Miss Depardieu and her students are presenting 18 months of GLOBE work and will share their experiences building their GLOBE weather station, producing exhibits, participating in GLOBE teacher-training workshops and being visited by government officials from the Principality of Monaco.

The Ambassador will present a personal note to the class from U.S. Vice President Al Gore that states in part: "As students and as teachers of Yverdon-les-Bains, you have unique and valuable information on your city to share with the global community. Experience tells us that you will learn as much from other students around the world as they learn from you."

Learn more on the Swiss GLOBE homepage at:

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