GLOBE Bulletin

June 10, 1998:
Guinea Joins GLOBE!

On May 14, 1998, the Guinean Minister of Pre-University Education, Germain Doualamou, and U.S. Ambassador Tigor Nagy signed the GLOBE agreement at the Ministry of Education in Conakry, the capital of Guinea. Guinea is the 70th GLOBE country and the 6th GLOBE country in West Africa.

When speaking about the GLOBE Program at the signing ceremony, Minister Doualamou said, "Schools must allow today's children, who are tomorrow's leaders, to develop the necessary intellectual tools for quality actions that will restore equilibrium to the ecosystem. There is no doubt that the signing of this agreement will permit Guinean teachers, students and scientists to work together with their colleagues around the world on these issues."

GLOBE welcomes Guinea to the Program!

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