GLOBE Bulletin

July 01, 1996:
Senegalese Minister of Environment Greets GLOBE Schools

Aux Participants Du Riseau GLOBE:

La cilibration de la Journie de la Terre m'offre l'heureuse occasion de transmettre mes salutations et mes encouragements ` tous les ilhves, iducateurs et scientifiques qui, ` travers le monde, participent au programme GLOBE.

Je reste convaincu que le Programme GLOBE tissera entre jeunes ginirations un riseau de solidariti pour la comprihension et la protection de l'Environment de notre planhte, ` l'aube du troisihme millinaire.

Le Sinigal ne minagera aucun effort pour jtre un maillon solide et dynamique de ce riseau, pour une terre oy il fera bon vivre.

Abdoulaye Bathily Le Ministre Ministhre de L'Environment et de la Protection de la Nature Ripublic Du Sinigal

To GLOBE Network Participants:

The celebration of Earth Day provides me with the opportunity to extend my greetings and encouragement to all students, educators, and scientists throughout the world who are participating in the GLOBE Program.

I am confident that the GLOBE Program will build a network of solidarity among young people for the understanding and protection of our planet's environment as we approach the third millennium.

Senegal will make every effort to be a solid and dynamic link in this network in order to make the world a good place to live.

Abdoulaye Bathily Minister of Environment and the Protection of Nature of the Republic of Senegal

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