Meet Jill Grace

Ms. Jill Grace is currently a 7th grade science teacher for Palos Verdes Intermediate, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, in Southern California and is pursuing an MS in science education at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). Prior to this, she spent five years working as the Science Specialist for Pacific School, Manhattan Beach Unified School District, where she developed and taught curriculum to support and enhance classroom science instruction for pre-K through 5th grade students. Ms. Grace has also developed and taught numerous after school science enrichment programs and summer camps, was an Outdoor Science Educator for Los Angeles County Office of Education’s Sea Shore Field Studies programs, and a Marine Science Instructor for the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium and Roundhouse Marine Studies Lab and Aquarium. Today, in addition to teaching her 7th grade students, she also assists with special events and projects with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, provides administrative support for the Young Scientists Camp at CSULB, and has been a presenter for the California Science Teachers Association, COSEE-West, American Cetacean Society, and CSULB’s Association of Future Science Educators. Ms. Grace has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology and a Single Subject Teaching Credential, Science from CSULB. She joins the FLEXE team as the Teacher-at-Sea because of her successful work with the SEAS program ( 

FLEXE Teacher-At-Sea Jill Grace

Interview with Jill Grace

What do you do?

I’m a 7th grade life science teacher at Palos Verdes Intermediate in Southern California. Go Sea Kings!

I also do a few other things… I still work with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro, where I first started working way back when I was an undergraduate marine biology student. It was my first job “in my field”! Since I’m so busy as a 7th grade teacher, I now only work there when they need extra staff. I make sure to work every grunion run since they are so much fun.

In the summer I help run the Young Scientists Camp at California State University, Long Beach. We work with lots of kids from 3rd grade through middle school who study fabulous topics like the science of solving crimes.

What did you want to be when you were a middle school student?

From the time I was in kindergarten I wanted to be a pilot. That had been my dream as a kid. I thought it would be really cool to fly jet planes. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of confidence in my abilities to do math at that age, and I let that stop me from pursuing my dream. So I guess it was ironic that I ended up having to take a lot of math to get my degree in college!

What would you do if you didn’t have your current job?

I want to work with the Myth Busters!

What is your education/training?

I received my Bachelor of Science degree in marine biology from California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). Currently, I am in a graduate program at CSULB pursuing my Master of Science in science education. I will even take more science courses in this particular graduate program, so I am also a science student!

What inspired you to choose your career & who were your role models?

One of the biggest role models of my life has always been my Dad, who never stopped encouraging me when I was growing up. In fact, looking back, my Dad always made me believe I could do anything. Both my parents taught me to be a hard worker.

I wish I could say exactly how I choose marine biology but I’m not exactly sure. I remember thinking it would just be really fun, but I had no idea how much work it would be – good work though. It was especially wonderful when I was taking core classes in my major and had the chance to work and learn from amazing professors like Dr. Alan Miller. The more I learned, the more I loved it. I was especially interested in how everything interacts with each other and how incredibly diverse living things are. Perhaps my favorite experience was being able to do a research project in Hawaii with other marine biology students.

My life goal was to simply work as a marine biologist – it was the field and subject I loved. But, while working with the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium (CMA) I discovered that I LOVED teaching science to kids. I can honestly say that I am a teacher today because of Linda Chilton (who works at CMA). She is such an amazing teacher and I learned (and still learn) a lot from her. When I had the chance several years later to work a few hours a week in a school, I jumped at the chance and decided that I would get my teaching credential. The rest, as they say, is history!

I will say, that there are many other role models in my life and people who I derive great inspiration from. Many people have helped to shape who I am as a person and as a teacher — including my students!

Please describe your family

I’ve been married for 8 years to Ray. He is a chemistry technician at CSULB and is a big ice hockey fan. My parents moved to Oregon several years ago and love where they live. My dad is a facilities manager and my mom is an accountant. I have one brother who used to work in construction and is just now going to college to be a civil engineer. My best friend is actually my aunt, (who married my favorite uncle) and their kids are like my little sister and brother (although they are both adults now).

What do you do in your free time?

When I finally get some free time I enjoy doing things outdoors like kayaking or going on day hikes. I also love to garden and ride around on my super cool beach cruiser. I have to admit, though, that my absolute favorite thing to do is to get together with my aunt and my good friend Laura to make handmade greeting cards! We spend a few days together, stay up really late each night, and have silly contests like “best use of ribbon”.

Any Fun Facts about you?

  • I really really really love nudibranchs.
  • I got to swim with baby hammerhead sharks once while doing research in Hawaii as a college student.
  • To get my “foot in the door” in marine biology, I volunteered at a marine mammal care center rehabilitating sick and injured seals and sea lions.
  • I got to sail on board the battleship USS Missouri when I was in high school! So awesome!
  • I have two cool classroom “pets”, Latios (a bearded dragon) and Miss Muffet (a tarantula).
  • I would eat grilled cheese every day if I could… and dark chocolate.

FLEXE Teacher-At-Sea Jill Grace

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