Remembering AT15-27

It’s been quite a journey here on the R/V Atlantis! Journeys often inspire whimsical creativity, so I asked the crew and scientists to volunteer Haiku’s detailing their journey these past couple weeks…

Overwhelming sun
A revitalizing breeze
Day then night. Clockwork.
-Alex Buchanan, Able-Bodied Seaman

Although this cruise is nearly over, the FLEXE team invites you students to continue your journey of exploration and to submit (as a comment to this post) your own haiku of what you have learned while visiting our website. (Remember that haiku’s must have three lines, the first line having 5 syllables, the second line having seven syllables, and the last line having five syllables.)

At the end of January 2008, we will choose a winning haiku and send you a little prize from the deep sea! (Read more…)

35 Responses to “Remembering AT15-27”

  1. atwlakers Says:

    Austin W.

    a cruise for science
    a lot has been learned
    next year will rock too!

  2. chase Says:

    Alvin is so neat
    He dives into the ocean
    To explore the deep.

  3. Noor Says:

    From captain to crew
    The submersible Alvin
    Dues much gratitude
    -Noor E.

    (The submersible Alvin should thank or give gratitude to the people who made it possible for him to explore the ocean.)

  4. kaykay Says:

    Alvin went diving
    Into the depths of the sea
    To see what lives there

  5. Grace H. Says:

    sun, surf, and a breeze
    Alvin, Avon, and the FLEXE cruise
    Did you have fun? YES!

  6. ayse4 Says:

    Aysel A.

    a glittering sea
    a treasuretrove of wonders
    waiting to be found

  7. cole Says:

    The oceans are vast
    Endless possibilities
    The world awaits you

  8. Hydrology Says:

    Austin Y.

    A dive to the deep
    A couple hours to go
    Mom, are we there yet?

  9. db1394 Says:

    Demi B.

    a discovery
    the voyage of a lifetime
    what an encounter

  10. mattc Says:

    I’m vicarious
    envious of Alvinists
    smokers, black and white
    Matt C.- Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

  11. hudsonm Says:

    the sea is so deep
    but nothing to far for alvin
    dont forget to sleep

    i hope that was good

  12. Terren K Says:

    magma heated vents
    strange life on the ocean floor
    Alvin dives down deep

  13. Emily Says:

    Emily J.

    Deep under the see
    Alvin seeks for adventure
    In this world of life

  14. amlb12 Says:

    As Alvin dives down
    Simon and Theodore
    Hope to see him soon

  15. Sammy Says:

    Squalls on the radar
    We cannot launch Alvin now
    It must stop blowing
    by SamD
    (on the weather)

  16. rebekah n Says:

    Crab, mussels, tube worms
    They’re fascinating creatures
    Thanks for the trip it was great
    - Rebekah N.

  17. lkg Says:

    East Pacific Rise
    Tubeworms swaying in the depths
    Fresh lava is here

    by lauren g

  18. Connor P Says:

    Cranes being prepared
    Gadgets buzzing, lights flashing
    Alvin hits the sea.
    -Connor P

  19. Vladimir S Says:

    We’re going down in Alvin
    It’s taking so long (are we there?)
    It’s worth it down there

  20. caroline Says:

    The oppurtunity has came
    Don’t let it past
    And now whats done is done

  21. kang Says:

    deep under the see
    far, far away from the land
    he explores the sea

  22. Andrew Says:

    Andrew M.

    Exploring the deep ocean,
    So deep down below,
    Are these daring explorers.

  23. smh19 Says:

    Under the surface,
    Are millions of mysteries,
    Waiting to be solved.

    By Sarah H.

  24. Austyn T Says:


    It’s so big ang blue,
    C’mon, let’s find something new,
    In the deep, me you.

  25. Jasmine Says:

    Alvin is a sub,
    It dived in the Pacific,
    Alvin’s amazing!
    -Jasmine Z

  26. aleks Says:

    Alvin in the sea
    That helps us understand the
    Deep ocean below
    -Aleks K.

  27. Banana Says:

    a blue and green gulch,

    biggest mystery to man,

    It is the ocean.
    -Brian R

  28. ccb Says:

    What an awesome sight,
    Deep-sea diving in the night,
    Where animals bite
    -Andy B.

  29. MyNameIsRyland Says:

    still, dark, deep ocean
    exotic beauty and life
    if you bring a light


  30. bobakg Says:

    Alvin of the sea
    It goes deep, it’s amazing
    Science is done there

    ~Bobak G.

  31. maziar a Says:

    Alvin, the great sub,
    At the pacific’s bottom,
    wonder what you’ll see?

  32. Kimmy Says:

    The blue deep ocean
    Waves freely rolling on
    Remarkably meaningful

    Kimmy R.

  33. HW Says:

    Oceans are gigantic,
    Alvin is a small machine,
    In a deep, dark place.

  34. Robbie G. Says:

    alvin is so cool
    its very scintific
    in the deep blue sea

  35. tiffany Says:

    when i read your blog i could picture the ocean floor. It’s amazing that the water was so HOT and then such a short distance away be cold.

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