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FDIC Banking Review

Cumulative Balance-Sheet Growth Rates by Type of Rural County, Great Plains, 1993-2003
Year Index of Cumulative Core Deposit Growth, Growing Counties Declining Counties Accelerated-Declining Counties
1993 100.00 100.00 100.00
1994 99.83 98.62 98.25
1995 102.43 101.09 101.52
1996 106.15 104.64 104.84
1997 109.81 107.49 107.77
1998 115.19 112.07 112.23
1999 117.30 113.71 114.98
2000 119.43 114.78 115.84
2001 127.72 120.63 121.63
2002 133.32 123.46 125.88
2003 140.64 129.76 132.35
Source: Bank and Thrift Call Reports for institutions with less than $250 million in assets

Last Updated 02/11/2005 Questions, Suggestions & Requests

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