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OCIO Highlights

Third Annual CISO Retreat: “Maintaining a Secure Foundation”

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) held its third annual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Retreat on December 4 and 5, 2007 at the Parklawn Building, in Rockville, Maryland.  This event brought together operating division (OPDIV) CISOs and information security staff with a mission to improve information security across the Department. 

John Teeter, HHS Chief Enterprise Architect, opened the retreat by welcoming attendees, highlighting 2007 accomplishments, and introducing this year’s theme: “Maintaining a Secure Foundation.” 

Captain Carl Barksdale, Chief of the I74 Operational Network Vulnerability Office at the National Security Agency (NSA), delivered this year’s keynote presentation on the changing threat environment affecting information security.  Captain Barksdale discussed strategies his agency employs in response to evolving information security threats.  He also talked about the use of various security measures, including public key infrastructure (PKI), passwords, encryption, and firewalls. 

Jaren Doherty, HHS CISO, and Mark Brown, HHS Senior Information Security Officer, led a discussion on pro-active information security measures.  Mr. Brown emphasized that “HHS must take measures to ensure that basic information security practices are defined and followed consistently across the Department.” 

Roger Johnson, HHS Senior Information Security Officer, delivered a presentation on identity and access management.  He talked about using Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-II cards to improve physical and information system security.  Mr. Johnson stressed that while the card is a valuable tool for heightened security, HHS will still need to pursue additional measures to provide the most comprehensive protection.

Attendees discussed HHS’ current information security environment, the overall strategic plan for Secure One HHS, and new security initiatives to address changing information security threats.  Discussions and feedback from the retreat will be incorporated into the Secure One HHS Tactical Plan and will drive the FY08-09 Operational Work Plan. 

Michael Carleton, HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO), concluded the retreat with an address thanking the CISOs for their dedication and emphasizing the importance of information security to HHS’ mission.

The retreat proved to be beneficial to the OPDIV CISOs and information security staff. They were able to discuss security issues with their peers and meet new colleagues in their field, as well as “reconnect with the HHS security family.”  Jason Thomas, a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) representative, remarked, “I enjoyed all aspects of the retreat.”