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Proud-to-Be / Management Plan Agreement FY 2009

Attachment C


Department of Health and Human Services

President’s Management Agenda

Goals for July 1, 2009 & 2010 [1]



Expanded E-Government

Owner:  Charles Johnson, Assistant Secretary for Resources and Technology,
(202) 690-6396

Career Official Responsible:  Mike Carleton, Chief Information Officer, (202) 690-6162


Overall Status Score: Green (Enter overall status score – green, yellow or red – that agency anticipates achieving by July 1, 2009.)


Explanation:  HHS is committed to using enterprise architecture and strong capital planning to improve IT project planning, budgeting, and management, in order to increase efficiency in the use of IT resources and improve program performance.  Through the CIO’s advancement of rigorous earned value management (EVM) practices, and relying on earned value and performance data for high-level decision-making, HHS will aim to demonstrate achieving the Green standard for EVM by FY 2009-Q3, meeting the pre-condition for achievement of an overall Green status for E-Gov.



GREEN Standards for Success



   [EA] Has an Enterprise Architecture with a score of 4 in the “Completion” section and 4 in both the “Use” and “Results” sections (Q2 FY09);

  [Ex 300] Has acceptable business cases for all major systems investments and no business cases on the “management watch list (Q1 FY09);

  [EVM] Has demonstrated appropriate planning, execution, and management of major IT investments, using EVM or operational analysis and has portfolio performance within 10% of cost, schedule, and performance goals (Q3 FY09 (July) ;

  √  [FISMA] Inspector General or Agency Head verifies the effectiveness of the Department-wide IT security remediation process and rates the agency certification and accreditation process as “Satisfactory” or better (Q1 FY09 (October));

  √  [FISMA] Has 90% of all IT systems properly secured (certified and accredited) (ongoing); AND

  √  [EG Impl]Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan (ongoing).



Standard for Success to MAINTAIN GREEN



 [FISMA] Has ALL IT systems certified and accredited (ongoing);

 [FISMA] Has IT systems installed and maintained in accordance with security configurations (Q1 FY09);

 [Priv] Has demonstrated for 90% of applicable systems a Privacy Impact Assessment has been conducted and is publicly posted (ongoing);

 [Priv] Has demonstrated for 90% of systems  with individuals’ records  a system of records notice has been developed and published (ongoing); AND

 [FISMA] Has an agreed-upon plan with OMB and OSTP to meet the requirements of NCS 3-10 (FY08-Q3).



YELLOW Standards for Success



 [EA] Has an Enterprise Architecture with a score of 4 in the “Completion” section and 4 in either the “Use” or “Results” sections (Q2 FY09);

 [Ex300s] Has acceptable business cases for more than 50% of its major IT investments (ongoing);

 [FISMA] Submits security reports to OMB that document consistent security improvement and either (ongoing):

80% of all IT systems are properly secured (ongoing); OR

Inspector General or Agency Head verifies the effectiveness of the Department-wide IT Security Plan of Action and Milestone Remediation Process (ongoing);

 [EVM] Has demonstrated appropriate planning, execution, and management of major IT investments, using EVM or operational analysis, and has IT portfolio performance operating within 30% of cost, schedule, and performance goals (ongoing); AND

 [EG Impl] Has an up-to-date agency-accepted and OMB- approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives rather than creating redundant or agency unique IT projects (ongoing).



KEY MILESTONES For the Department of Health and Human Services


FY 2008 – Fourth Quarter


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


  • [EVM] Complete and publish Enterprise Performance Lifecycle for DHHS.


FY 2009 – First Quarter 


  • [Ex 300s] Has acceptable FY 2010 business cases for all major systems investments and no business cases on the “management watch list”.


  • [EVM] Submit IT Investment Review Board (IT IRB) meeting monthly minutes demonstrating management of investment EVM variances outside tolerable limits.


  • [EVM] Develop Program Management (PM) curriculum for initiation phase of EPLC.


  • [FISMA] Complete annual FISMA Report Assessment. Annual FISMA report reflects IG’s assessment of C&A process and POA&M process as “satisfactory” or better.


  • [FISMA]  All IT systems installed and maintained in accordance with security configurations. 


  • [EA] Conduct EA segment-based strategic planning workshops (Use).


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


FY 2009 – Second Quarter


  • [EVM] Submit IT Investment Review Board (ITIRB) meeting monthly minutes demonstrating management of investment EVM variances outside tolerable limits.


  • [PM] Develop Program Management (PM) curriculum for concept phase of EPLC;


  • [EA-Retains Green] Release additional EA segment architectures (Completion).


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


FY 2009 – Third Quarter


  • [Ex 300s] Has no business cases for major IT investments on the OMB Management Watch List. 


  • [EVM] Submit IT Investment Review Board (ITIRB) meeting monthly minutes demonstrating management of investment EVM variances outside tolerable limits.


  • [EVM] Develop Program Management (PM) curriculum for planning phase of EPLC.


  • [EVM-Green] Demonstrate appropriate planning, execution, and management of major IT investments, using EVM or operational analysis, and having portfolio performance within 10% of cost, schedule, and performance goals.


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


FY 2009 – Fourth Quarter


  • [EVM] Use the EVMT for variance reporting and management of enterprise-level major IT investments.


  • [EVM] Develop Program Management (PM) curriculum for requirements and analysis phase of EPLC.


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


FY 2010 – First Quarter


  • [FISMA-Maintaining Green] Has IT systems installed and maintained in accordance with security configuration policy.


  • [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


  • [PM] Develop Program Management (PM) curriculum for design phase of EPLC.




      [EVM] Demonstrate appropriate planning, execution, and management of major IT investments, using EVM or operational analysis and has portfolio performance within 10% of cost, schedule, and performance goals.


      [EVM] Provide quarterly updates on use of IT system development performance data (EVM data) in policy-level and program management decision-making.


      [EG Impl] Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


      [FISMA] Has ALL IT systems certified and accredited.


      [Priv] For 90% of applicable systems, demonstrates, conducts, and publicly posts a Privacy Impact Assessment. 


      [Priv] For 90% of systems with personally identifiable information, develop and publish a system of records.


Overall Status Score: Green (Enter overall status score – green, yellow or red – that agency anticipates achieving by July 1, 2010.)


  • Green on Status in Q1 FY09, by achieving the goal for installation and maintenance of IT systems in accordance with security configuration requirements.  HHS would be proud to  maintain that status through FY10.


  • Demonstration of appropriate planning, execution, and management of major IT investments, using EVM or operational analysis and has portfolio performance within 10% of cost, schedule, and performance goals.


  • Adheres to the agency-accepted and OMB-approved implementation plan for all of the appropriate E-Gov/Lines of Business/SmartBuy initiatives and has transitioned and/or shut down investments duplicating these initiatives in accordance with the OMB-approved implementation plan.


  • Certified and accredited ALL IT systems.


  • For 90% of applicable systems, has demonstrated, conducted and publicly posted a Privacy Impact Assessment. 


  • For 90% of systems with personally identifiable information, developed and published a system of records.


  • HHS implements appropriate E-Gov solutions in lieu of new, redundant systems.



[1] As always, further revisions to the Proud To Be may be necessary as circumstances change and HHS continues to progress with its initiatives, including revisions to incorporate future milestones from final scorecards.  Version as of 10/03/08; received from OMB Human Resource Management Office (RMO), Health Division