Have questions about our site? We can help you with display issues, plug-ins and searches.

Viewing web pages on the MDC site

If the text on the page is too large or small for you to view comfortably, you can change the size of the text by selecting “View -> Text Size” in the browser menu. “Default” or “Normal” are the standard settings.


If you are looking for something on the MDC web site, simply type the search term in the search box on any one of our main navigation pages. Use our advanced search engine to refine your search or to search on the entire Missouri Government Web.

If you prefer to search by specific topics, you can use the MDC Library to search a list of categories of information on our site. Click on "Browse by Subject" in any sidebar to enter the system.

MDC Plugins

Plug-ins are extra programs that handle special media you might find on Web sites. Most Web browsers support browser plug-ins.

Some of these plug-ins may already be installed on your computer, and if they aren't, your browser may prompt you to download the plug-in.

Get Acrobat Reader
Adobe Reader: For viewing and printing Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files.

Get Shockwave
Macromedia Shockwave: For viewing Macromedia Flash files and images.

Get Quicktime
Apple Quicktime: For veiwing Apple Quicktime movie (.mov) files.

Get Aladdin Expander
Aladdin Stuffit Expander: For unstuffing and unzipping Zip and Stuffit archive (.sit OR .zip) files.

Using Acrobat Files on the Web:

Many sections of our Web site have with have an icon next to them that looks like this: PDF file.

This is a link to a type of file called a PDF file. The PDF file format preserves the visual style of a document and is quite useful when printing maps or forms. The Adobe Reader program is free. You just have to go to Adobe's Web site and download it and install it on your computer. There are Unix, Macintosh, OS2, Windows 3.1, Windows95/98, WindowsNT and other versions available.

If you have the Acrobat Reader and just want to download the PDF files and then read them:

If you are using an older Macintosh, click on the link to the PDF file and hold the mouse button down. If you are using Windows, Linux, or a Mac with a two-button mouse, click on the link to the PDF file with the right mouse button.

Doing either of these will cause a menu to pop up next to your mouse. One of the options in this menu will be to “Download Link to Disk” or “Save This Link As...” or similar wording indicating that you will be downloading or saving the link to your computer. Select this menu option and save the file somewhere on your computer's hard drive where you can find it.

Now exit your Web browser and start your Acrobat reader program. Then open the file you just downloaded. You should be able to read the file with no problem.

Acrobat files are some of the most popular files we have on our Web site. They are a handy way for you to build your own electronic library on Missouri's outdoors.