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Baltimore city's green plan goes online

Listen up, all you city dwellers who care about recycling, green jobs and transit.  The city's "sustainability" plan is available for review and comment online.

The plan focuses on seven basic "themes," including cleanliness, pollution prevention, resource conservation, environmental education and awareness.  Specifics are still to come in some cases, but it calls for an anti-litter campaign, reducing the city's greenhouse gas emissions by 15 percent by 2015, doubling the number of trees planted and making Baltimore a green business mecca. Officials say they intend to make these part of the city's comprehensive plan, which guides all development in Baltimore.

To read and comment on the plan, go here.  You have until Jan. 30.  For instructions on commenting online, go here.

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About Tim Wheeler
Tim WheelerI report on the environment and Chesapeake Bay. A native of West Virginia, I have focused mainly on Maryland's environment since moving here in 1983. Along the way, I've crewed aboard a skipjack in the bay, canoed under city streets up the Jones Fall from the Inner Harbor, and gone deep underground in a western Maryland coal mine. Recently, I have been covering the growth and development transforming the landscape. I love seafood, rambles in the country and good stories. I hope to share some here.
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