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The Donald S. Fredrickson Papers

Lipid Metabolism and Genetic Disease, 1953-1974: Documents

[Fredrickson working in his lab]. 20 June 1969.
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Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record Hoffman, Harry N., and Donald S. Fredrickson. "Tangier Disease (Familial High Density Lipoprotein Deficiency): Clinical and Genetic Features in Two Adults." The American Journal of Medicine 39, 4 (October 1965): 582-593. Article. 12 Images. pdf (1,528,926 Bytes) ocr (48,404 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. [Personal reminiscence of President Lyndon B. Johnson's 1965 visit to NIH]. Memoir. 1 Image. [After 1965]. pdf (77,250 Bytes) ocr (2,147 Bytes)
Metadata Record "Dr. D.S. Fredrickson Named Director of Heart Institute." NIH Record XVIII, 23 (15 November 1966): 1,4. Article. 2 Images. pdf (157,641 Bytes) ocr (4,745 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. "Lipoprotein Patterns and Atherosclerosis." Lecture Notes. Program. 10 Images. [1966-1974]. pdf (1,523,185 Bytes) ocr (3,734 Bytes)
Metadata Record "The Ultimate Operation." Time, (15 December 1967): 64-72. Article. 5 Images. pdf (1,014,700 Bytes) ocr (30,534 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. [Description of the photograph of the conference on cardiac transplantation with Christiaan Barnard]. Notes. 1 Image. 28 December 1967. pdf (72,076 Bytes) ocr (2,095 Bytes)
Metadata Record DeBakey, Michael E. Letter from Michael E. DeBakey to Donald S. Fredrickson. Letter (correspondence). 3 Images. 30 December 1967. pdf (235,481 Bytes) ocr (5,768 Bytes)
Metadata Record [Fredrickson, Donald S.]. "Summary of the Conference on Cardiac Transplantation." Summary. 5 Images. December 1967. pdf (439,781 Bytes) ocr (11,526 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S., Robert I. Levy, and Robert S. Lees. "Fat Transport in Lipoproteins--An Integrated Approach to Mechanisms and Disorders." New England Journal of Medicine, (1967): 1-46. Article. 46 Images. pdf (7,818,109 Bytes) ocr (271,960 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. [Personal reminiscence of President Lyndon B. Johnson's 1967 visit to NIH]. Memoir. 1 Image. [After 1967]. pdf (72,065 Bytes) ocr (1,960 Bytes)
Metadata Record Pruitt, John. "Tangier Disease: Tonsils May Cure Hearts." Virginian- Pilot, ([1967]). Article. 1 Image. pdf (413,322 Bytes) ocr (8,899 Bytes)
Metadata Record "Dr. Donald S. Fredrickson Named Heart Institute's Dir[ector] Intramural Research." NIH Record XXI, 6 (18 March 1969): 1,8. Article. 2 Images. pdf (90,997 Bytes) ocr (2,318 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fleischmajer, Raul, and Alan M. Schragger. "Familial Hyperlipoproteinemias." [Hahnemann University], [After 1969]. Report. 9 Images. pdf (594,134 Bytes) ocr (7,848 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S., Edwin S. Bierman, David H. Blankenhorn, William Castelli, William E. Connor, Gerald R. Cooper, Seymour Dayton, Howard Eder, Ivan D. Frantz, William Friedewald, DeWitt S. Goodman, Frederick T. Hatch, Richard J. Havel, Peter Kuo, Robert S. Lees, Robert I. Levy, Robert P. Noble, Isidore Rosenfeld, Daniel Steinberg, and Theodore Cooper. "Report of the National Heart and Lung Institute Panel on Hyperlipidemia and Premature Atherosclerosis." Report. 22 Images. [12-13 June 1970]. pdf (1,410,679 Bytes) ocr (33,012 Bytes)
Metadata Record "Killer 'We Must Arrest at Once'." Christchurch Star, (27 September 1971): 2. Article. 2 Images. pdf (110,184 Bytes) ocr (3,067 Bytes)
Metadata Record Clifton-Bligh, P., P. J. Nestel, and H. M. Whyte. "Tangier Disease: Report of a Case and Studies of Lipid Metabolism." New England Journal of Medicine 286, 11 (16 March 1972): 567-571. Article. 5 Images. pdf (660,859 Bytes) ocr (23,765 Bytes)
Metadata Record "Chanock and Fredrickson Elected NAS Members; Ceremony in April 1974." NIH Record XXV, 10 (8 May 1973): 1,3. Article. 2 Images. pdf (156,691 Bytes) ocr (4,055 Bytes)
Metadata Record "Dr. Fredrickson to Head Institute of Medicine; Succeeds Dr. Hogness." NIH Record XXVI, 4 (12 February 1974): 1,6. Article. 2 Images. pdf (161,169 Bytes) ocr (2,764 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. [Excerpts from Donald Fredrickson's inaugural speech as President of the Institute of Medicine]. Excerpt. Speech. 1 Image. 8 May 1974. pdf (75,253 Bytes) ocr (1,547 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. "Tonsils and Apolipoproteins: Lessons about Plasma Lipoproteins Derived from Tangier Disease and Other Mutants." Jimenez Diaz Memorial Lectures, 1969-1974. Foundation Conchita Rabago, 1974. Pp. 129-156. Excerpt. Lecture. Monograph. 30 Images. pdf (3,079,563 Bytes) ocr (69,720 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. "Phenotyping: On Reaching Base Camp (1950-1975)." Circulation (Supplement) 87, 4 (April 1993): III-1-III-15. Article. 15 Images. pdf (2,892,597 Bytes) ocr (93,714 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. "Some publications by Donald S. Fredrickson on research related to plasma lipids and lipoproteins (annotated by author)." Bibliography. 18 April 1997. txt (17,612 Bytes)
Metadata Record Fredrickson, Donald S. "The First Heart Transplant in Man." Diary. Excerpt. Memoir. 1 Image. 26 April 1997. pdf (67,978 Bytes) ocr (3,734 Bytes)

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