GLOBE Bulletin

April 15, 1999:
GLOBE Unveils New Web Site Features!

The GLOBE Student Data Archive, with over 3 million observations, has been updated with a host of new features, including the ability to view study site photographs and metadata submitted by GLOBE schools worldwide.

The archive, developed and maintained by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center in Colorado, also provides users the ability to select data from a specific time period of interest, to search the archive by individual schools or entire regions, and the option to view a particular set of data. The improved user interface also facilitates easier downloading of GLOBE Student data to spreadsheet programs. Visit the GLOBE Student Data Archive by following the links on the navigation bar at

New features have also been added to the GLOBE Visualization Web site, including a tutorial on how to create and modify data graphs. Animations have been created of GLOBE student data, as well as reference data of El Niqo/La Niqa/Southern Oscillation predictions. Special zoom-in animations are available for every GLOBE country and each U.S. state - a nice tool for use in teaching geography. For more information on these and other new features created by the NASA Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio, see the "What's New" link from the GLOBE Visualizations home page.

GLOBE Bulletin Archive

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