Archive for July, 2007

Junior hunters: The Willand family goes rabbit hunting

Junior hunters: The Willand family goes rabbit hunting
By Michael Willand, Goodyear
What better way to introduce youth to hunting and the great outdoors than taking them rabbit hunting?
Kids have short attention spans, so they tend to get [...]

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Volunteer opportunities for hunters

Volunteer opportunities for hunters
By Sandy Reith, volunteer coordinator, Arizona Game and Fish Department
The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s volunteer program provides opportunities for volunteers [...]

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Two new grant programs aid hunter retention/recruitment, wildlife conservation

Two new grant programs aid hunter retention/recruitment,
wildlife conservation
By Tom Cadden, public information officer, Arizona Game and Fish Department
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission is offering two exciting new grant programs to provide financial assistance to groups undertaking [...]

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Been hunting? The Dufek kids carry on the family tradition

Been hunting? The Dufek kids carry on the family tradition
By By Paul Dufek, Flagstaff
My four children, Jacob, 15, Jeremy, 13, Rachel, 9, and Josh, 7, are all involved in the outdoors, but Jeremy has seemed to excel with his desire to both hunt and fish.
Jeremy harvested his first big game animal during [...]

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Arizona wildlife wins in Big Game Super Raffle

Arizona wildlife wins in Big Game Super Raffle
By Tom Cadden, public information officer, Arizona Game and Fish Department
There were several winners at the July 7 drawing of the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle in Flagstaff, and biggest among them was Arizona’s wildlife.
Sportsmen once again stepped up to the plate and raised more [...]

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Spring 2008 hunt recommendations will be available for review

Spring 2008 hunt recommendations will be available for review
By Rory Aikens, public information officer, Arizona Game and Fish Department
The proposed spring 2008 hunt recommendations for javelina, turkey, bear and buffalo will be available for review at the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s regional offices.
The 2007-2008 waterfowl season proposals will also be available for [...]

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Stay engaged in federal land management planning efforts

Stay engaged in federal land management planning efforts
By Tom Cadden, public information officer, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Ensure that you have a say in decisions being considered for federal lands in Arizona.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has created a Web page ( to serve as a resource for finding out about USDA Forest Service [...]

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The future of wildlife conservation

The future of wildlife conservation
Focus must be on reversing the decline in hunting and fishing participation
By Rory Aikens, public information officer, Arizona Game and Fish Department

The future of not just hunting and fishing but also wildlife conservation may depend on successfully addressing [...]

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Junior hunters: Rechelle Conde’s javelina hunt

Junior hunters: Rechelle Conde’s javelina hunt
By Ruben Conde, Tacna
We planned a javelina hunt for my 13-year-old daughter, Rechelle, this past spring. Our 2006 cow elk hunt in Unit 10 had been unsuccessful, so I was looking forward to coming through for her on this hunt.
As circumstances would have it, we would only manage [...]

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