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Level I FSIO (State, Local, Tribal)
Auditor Feedback Form

Posted: April 26, 2007

Auditor Name:_______________________________________

 Date of Audit Begin ____/____/____            Date of Audit End ____/____/____

 Audit Number:  1.  or 2.  or 3. 

 Audit Candidate: _________________________________________________

 Agency/Jurisdiction/Department: ___________________________


  1. Please provide an accurate estimate of the time (hours) that you have spent preparing for and conducting an audit.

    Preparation Time:   :        On-site Auditing Time:  : 

  2. Did the Performance Auditor Training you received sufficiently prepare you for the audit you conducted? Please comment?

    Yes   No 

  3. Did the Audit Criteria, Reference Guide and Worksheet help guide you through the audit process?

    Yes   No 

  4. Did you receive appropriate feedback/communication from the candidate prior to, during and after the audit?  Please comment.

    Yes   No 

  5. Was sufficient time allocated for the audit?  Please comment.

    Yes   No 

  6. Were you comfortable with the audit process?  Please comment.

    Yes   No 

  7. Do you have any suggestions for the candidate that would improve the audit process?

    Yes   No 
    Additional Comments (if any):