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Level I Food Safety Inspection Officer (State, Local, Tribal)
 Audit Worksheet

Posted: April 26, 2007

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 Candidate: __________________________________________________

 Date of Audit Start ____/____/____                         Date of Audit End ____/____/____

 Auditor: _____________________________________________________

Did the inspector successfully complete the Level I Competency training curriculum, including the FDA-ORA U courses and examinations, as specified in FDA’s Draft Retail Program Standards, Standard No. 2 Trained Regulatory Staff or equivalent curriculum?


  1. Did the Food Safety Inspection Officer (FSIO) demonstrate the use of risk based inspection methodology to assess regulations related to practices essential to the safe storage, preparation and service of food, and obtain immediate corrective action for out of compliance practices?


  2. Did the FSIO demonstrate the use of necessary equipment and current applicable resource information?


  3. Did the FSIO demonstrate knowledge of good retail practices and other applicable statutes, regulations and ordinances?


  4. Did the inspector demonstrate an ability to properly collect evidence as applicable in order to document violations and support potential regulatory actions? 


  5. Did the FSIO demonstrate an ability to clearly and adequately engage in dialogue with the person in charge/employees to obtain information relevant to the inspection?


  6. Did the FSIO demonstrate an ability to communicate deficiencies and corrective actions with responsible persons?


  7. Did the FSIO respond appropriately to relevant questions and comments?


  8. Did the FSIO properly complete appropriate inspection forms?


  9. Did the FSIO present all proper forms to the appropriate person(s)?


  10. Did the FSIO demonstrate the following attributes?
    1. open-mindedness
    2. ethical behavior
    3. diplomacy
    4. tactfulness
    5. consideration
