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Home > Programs > Bureau of Environmental Protection > Office of Water Resources > Permitting > Freshwater Wetlands

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Freshwater Wetlands
Wetlands icon, with duck The program is responsible for regulating alterations of Rhode Island's freshwater wetlands through an orderly application process that verifies delineated wetland edges, determines the presence of wetlands,and reviews proposed projects in and adjacent to freshwater wetlands for any applicant who is the owner of the property in question. The technical staff consisting of biologists and engineers carry out site inspections, develop protective terms and conditions for permit approvals or acceptable mitigation strategies, provide expert testimony at hearings, and render recommendations through the collection of scientific data to program supervisors who then make final decisions. The responsibilities and duties of the permitting program are supported through fees supplemented by general revenues. Annually, the program reviews 500-600 applications.

For more information, go to the Wetlands Topics page, or contact the Wetlands general information person at 401-222-6820.

Other Agencies

For information on freshwater wetlands in the vicinity of the coast, contact the Coastal Resources Management Council.

For information about Section 404 permitting, contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

For more information about federal wetlands protection, contact the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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Rules and Forms

Application Form

2007 Regulations

Prior Regulations

Edge Delineation Forms

Army/RI Programmatic General Permit

For General Information 222-6800 • After Hours Emergencies 222-3070 • Disclaimer
rev. 10/20/08