Walmart and Exercise Equipment Manufacturer Sued for Not Reporting Product Defects

Press Release # 01-161


(Frontal view of three recalled exercise gliders) No audio.

(View of the Weider Shape Glider) No audio.

(Close-up view of the Weider Shape Glider) No audio.

(View of the Weslo Shape Trainer) No audio.

(Close-up view of the Weslo Shape Trainer) No audio.

(View of the Weider Power Glide) No audio.

(Close-up view of the Weslo Shape Trainer) No audio.

(View of an exercise glider collaspsing) Audio sounds of metal crashing.

(View of another exercise glider collasping) Audio sounds of metal crashing.

(View of a woman moving the handlebars of an exercise glider before it breaks) Audio sounds of metal crashing.

(Closer view of a woman moving the handlebars of an exercise glider before it breaks) Audio sounds of metal crashing.

(Close-up view of the defective part of the exercise glider as it breaks) Audio sounds of metal crashing.

(View of a women exercising with the Weider Shape trainer in her home) Audio sounds of the exercise glider being used.

(View of a Walmart store and parking lot) Audio sounds of traffic.

(Close-up view of a Walmart sign) Audio sounds of traffic.