Voluntary Standards - Turkey Fryers

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Turkey Fryers (Last Updated 06/27/2006)

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is participating in voluntary standard activities related to turkey fryers. These activities support CPSC’s strategic goal of reducing the death rate from fire-related causes.

The Outdoor Specialty Gas Cooking Appliances Standard, ANSI Z21.89/CSA 1.18, contains performance requirements for the design and safe use of turkey fryers. CPSC staff is working with a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to recommend revisions to the standard that will reduce the risk of fire and injury to consumers from turkey fryers.

From 1999 to October 2005, there were 117 reported fire incidents involving turkey fryers. The majority of the incidents occurred during heating or cooking, when the fryers were left unattended. The hazard scenarios include:

CPSC staff has made recommendations to the Technical Advisory Group to improve the quality of components, to improve the labeling, and to provide oil temperature limiting controls on fryers. The TAG is currently working to address temperature limits for fryers.

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Safety Alerts:

Voluntary Standard and Code Activities

Canadian Standards Association

  • For further information concerning ANSI Z21.89/CSA 1.18, Outdoor Specialty Gas Cooking Appliances Standard, please contact Al Callahan at al.callahan@csa-america.org

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