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CTAP has been supplying the oil and gas industry drilling in the Rocky Mountain region with tubing products and service for 25 years from its Louisville, Colo. headquarters. Andy Carlson, CTAP's director of IT, tells that by centralizing the firm's information environment and networking its storage yards along railroad routes the firm has improved inventory management, billing, and internal communication.



Expert Corner

Lessons from Web 2.0: Fast Track Your Innovation Process

by Vijay Chittoor

Web 2.0 companies have some natural advantages that help them innovate fast. The good news: You can use the same Web 2.0 methods to foster innovation, even if your business is offline.

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Get Started with Social Media

Get Started with Social Media
Top 10 social networking sites and how your company can use them.

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Password Protection 101
Ten Ways to Use Texting for Business

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Strategy Tip
There's no upside to running perfect payroll, people expect it. But there's a whole lot of downside if you don't pay people or your taxes.

Rich Watson, major account division vice president, ADP

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