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Appendix I to Part 110--Illustrative List of Reprocessing Plant Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority

Note--Reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel separates plutonium and uranium from intensely radioactive fission products and other transuranic elements. Different technical processes can accomplish this separation. However, over the years Purex has become the most commonly used and accepted process. Purex involves the dissolution of irradiated nuclear fuel in nitric acid, followed by separation of the uranium, plutonium, and fission products by solvent extraction using a mixture of tributyl phosphate in an organic diluent.

Purex facilities have process functions similar to each other, including: irradiated fuel element chopping, fuel dissolution, solvent extraction, and process liquor storage. There may also be equipment for thermal denitration of uranium nitrate, conversion of plutonium nitrate to oxide metal, and treatment of fission product waste liquor to a form suitable for long term storage or disposal. However, the specific type and configuration of the equipment performing these functions may differ between Purex facilities for several reasons, including the type and quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel to be reprocessed and the intended disposition of the recovered materials, and the safety and maintenance philosophy incorporated into the design of the facility. A plant of the reprocessing of irradiated fuel elements, includes the equipment and components which normally come in direct contact with and directly control the irradiated fuel and the major nuclear material and fission product processing streams.

(1) Fuel element chopping machines, i.e., remotely operated equipment specially designed or prepared to cut, chop, or shear irradiated nuclear reactor fuel assemblies, bundles, or rods.

(2) Critically safe tanks, i.e., small diameter, annular or slab tanks specially designed or prepared for the dissolution of irradiated nuclear reactor fuel.

(3) Solvent extraction equipment.

Especially designed or prepared solvent extractors such as packed or pulse columns, mixer settlers or centrifugal contactors for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel. Because solvent extractors must be resistant to the corrosive effect of nitric acid, they are normally fabricated to extremely high standards (including special welding and inspection and quality assurance and quality control techniques) out of low carbon stainless steels, titanium, zirconium or other high quality materials.

(4) Chemical holding or storage vessels.

Especially designed or prepared holding or storage vessels for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated fuel. Because holding or storage vessels must be resistant to the corrosive effect of nitric acid, they are normally fabricated of materials such as low carbon stainless steels, titanium or zirconium, or other high quality materials. Holding or storage vessels may be designed for remote operation and maintenance and may have the following features for control of nuclear criticality:

(i) Walls or internal structures with a boron equivalent of at least 2 percent, or

(ii) A maximum diameter of 7 inches (17.78 cm) for cylindrical vessels, or

(iii) A maximum width of 3 inches (7.62 cm) for either a slab or annular vessel.

(5) Plutonium nitrate to plutonium oxide conversion systems. Complete systems especially designed or prepared for the conversion of plutonium nitrate to plutonium oxide, in particular adapted so as to avoid criticality and radiation effects and to minimize toxicity hazards.

(6) Plutonium metal production systems. Complete systems especially designed or prepared for the production of plutonium metal, in particular adapted so as to avoid criticality and radiation effects and to minimize toxicity hazards.

(7) Process control instrumentation specially designed or prepared for monitoring or controlling the processing of material in a reprocessing plant.

[55 FR 30451, July 26, 1990, as amended at 58 FR 13005, Mar. 9, 1993. Redesignated at 61 FR 35603, July 8, 1996]

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