Archive for December, 2007

Quagga mussel invasion confirmed at Lake Pleasant Boaters asked to inspect their vessels for aquatic hitchhikers

Quagga mussel invasion confirmed at Lake Pleasant
Boaters asked to inspect their vessels for aquatic hitchhikers


PHOENIX — Quagga mussels have been discovered at multiple sites at Lake Pleasant, and state wildlife officials are requesting that boaters and other recreationists take simple steps to help prevent this Eastern European menace and other aquatic hitchhikers from spreading to [...]

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Southeastern Arizona

TUCSON URBAN — Next trout stocking is scheduled for the week of Dec. 24-29 in the Phoenix, Tucson and Payson Urban Lakes. As the 2007 year comes to a close, so does your chance to get one of your big fish into the record books. The 2007 Urban Fishing Program Big Fish-of-the-Year contest has one [...]

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White Mountains

Note: Heavy winter storms have hit the White Mountains over the last couple weeks, dropping significant rain and snow.  Most streams are flowing high and muddy due to this heavy precipitation.  Lake levels have likely come up considerably with the heavy runoff and may be turbid.  The lakes may also have a thin layer of [...]

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Mogollon Rim

Note: Heavy winter storms have hit the Mogollon Rim over the last couple weeks, dropping significant rain and snow.  Most streams are flowing high and muddy due to this heavy precipitation.  Lake levels have likely come up considerably with the heavy runoff and may be turbid.  The lakes may also have a thin layer of [...]

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North Central Region

Winter conditions have finally arrived. For those lakes with open water, expect rimming ice.
WILLIAMS LAKES:   KAIBAB LAKE —  Campground area is closed.  Main parking lot and boat launch open for day use only. No reports on fishing. 
CATARACT LAKE — Campground is closed.  Lake is open for walk in fishing. The water level has increased to near [...]

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Southwestern Arizona

LAKE HAVASU – The shad are becoming more prevalent and have been sighted in large quantities in the Site Six Marina and on the north end of the lake. They are beginning to increase in quantity at Sand Point Marina.  They can be easily netted with traditional shad nets they are quite active right now and quick. If you [...]

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Colorado River Northwest

LAKE POWELL — By Wayne Gustaveson. Lake Elevation: 3,599. Water Temp: 59-61. The first freeze of the season occurred on Thanksgiving Day. The cold temperature finally allowed the water surface temperature to dip into the high 50s. Fish respond to cold temperatures by exhibiting springtime behavior. Best fishing happens when water is warmest - usually [...]

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Central Arizona

URBAN LAKES — Next trout stocking is scheduled for the week of Dec. 24-29 in the Phoenix, Tucson and Payson Urban Lakes. As the 2007 year comes to a close, so does your chance to get one of your big fish into the record books. The 2007 Urban Fishing Program Big Fish-of-the-Year contest has one [...]

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Volunteers exercise their holiday spirit By building Pisces pyramids at Canyon Lake

Volunteers exercise their holiday spiritBy building Pisces pyramids at Canyon LakeMore than 200 volunteer helpers exercised their holiday spirit by helping Arizona Game and Fish Department biologists build Pisces pyramids at Canyon Lake the past several weekends when most others were busy shopping or watching ball games.
Most of the work was completed on Dec. 15-16. [...]

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Rory’s Tips

With all the much-needed rain and snow in the watersheds recently, the outlook is bright for this upcoming season. The White Mountains for instance has received more than 7 inches of precipitation. Lake levels, stream levels and river levels are all up. What a great blessing for this holiday season.
The Little Colorado River had high [...]

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