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CDAWeb Popularity Increases

Use of the Coordinated Data Analysis (Workshop) Web (CDAWeb) system continues steady growth since its operational start in late May 1996.The ISTP Key Parameters collection is a primary database supported by CDAWeb and dominates the statistics. The ISTP Key Parameters include data from Geotail, SOHO, Wind and Polar, and data are normally available to the world science community and the public in less than 1 week.

Graph of CDAWeb Statistics

The color chart shown above, shows the monthly CDAWeb usage divided among the three primary functions supported, namely:

The numbers graphed represent actual executions of the system delivering products. For easier comparison to the statistics of other Web-based services, the total number of Web page "hits" on the system by month is also shown (normalized to a 1/10th scale).

Graph of CDAWeb "simultaneous datasets" Statistics

The color chart shown above, shows the number of simultaneous datasets that are available to the user for the time periods shown.

Pie Chart of CDAWeb User Statistics

CDAWeb is used across a wide range of interests within the United States and a substantial range of international science users.

CDAWeb is a joint effort among the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF), the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) and the ISTP project and its Science Planning and Operations Facility (SPOF). CDAWeb is most easily accessed at the URL or via that of SPDF (

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