ModelWeb Catalogue and Archive
Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC)   |   Goddard Space Flight Center
Instant Runs and Runs on Request
Options to run models and view results using online interface are now available on the CCMC website

CCMC Instant Runs
CCMC Runs on Request

Model Catalog and Archive:
Atmosphere models  [info]
  Density and Temperature Models
  Wind Models
  • Horizontal Wind Model (HWM) [info, ftp]
Ionosphere Models  [info]
  General Models
  Electron Density Models
  F2-Peak Models and Applications
  Electron Temperature Models
  Ion Composition and Drift Models
  Electric Convection Field Models
  Auroral Precipitation and Conductivity Models
  • AFGL Ion Precipitation Model [info]
  • AFGL Electron Precipitation Model [info]
  • Rice Electron Precipitation Model [info]
  Miscellaneous Auroral Models
  • Auroral Absorption Model [info]
  • Auroral Oval Representation [info, ftp]
Plasmasphere Models 
  • Akebono Model [info]
  • IMAGE Model [info]
  • IZMIRAN/SMI Model [info]
  • GPID Model [info]
  • GCPM Model [info]
Trapped Particle Models  [info]
Gravitation/Geopotential Models
  • Earth Gravitational Model 1996 (EGM96)
    [info, link]
Geomagnetic(Main) Field Models  [info]
  General Models
  Miscellaneous Geomagnetic Field Models
Magnetospheric Field Models  [info]
  • Toffoletto-Hill Magnetosphere Model [link]
  • Xu-Li Neutral Sheet Model [info, ftp]
  • User-Oriented Service Based on External and Internal Geomagnetic Field Models [RUN]
  • Tsyganenko Magnetic Field Models
    and GEOPACK routines [ info, link, url]
  • OLDER MODELS (pre-1979)
Solar and Interplanetary Space Models
  Solar Reference Spectra
  Solar Energetic Particle Models
  • Nymmik Solar Energetic Particles Model [link]
  • JPL Proton Model [info]
  • SOLPRO Model [info, ftp]
  Cosmic Rays and Related Software
  • Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity [info, ftp]
  • Spacecraft Anomaly Data Base [info]
  • CREME Programs [info, link]
Planetary Models  [info]
General Models
  • EPIC general circulation model [link]
Venus Models
Mars Models
  • Mars General Circulation Model (GCM). [link]
Jupiter Models
  • Galileo Interim Radiation Environment (GIRE) model [link]
Other Model Related Sites
  • NASA's Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) [link]
  • ESA's SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS) [link]
  • Open Channel/COSMIC software depository [link]
  • Rice University Space Weather page [link]
  • URSI'99 Session on Ionospheric Data
    and Models on the WWW [link]

Older Models:
Older Atmospheric models  [info]
  Density and Temperature Models
Older Ionosphere Models  [info]
  Electron Density Models
  • Chiu Ionospheric Model [info, ftp]
  • Bent Ionospheric Model [info]
  • Penn State Mk III Model [info]
  F2-Peak Models and Applications
  • CCIR foF2 and M(3000)F2 Model Maps [info]
  • ISS-b foF2 Maps [info]
  • MINIMUF/QSTMUF Model [info]
  • IONCAP Model [info]
  Electron Temperature Models
  • Density Dependent Electron Temperature Model [info]
  • AEROS Electron Temperature Model [info]
  • AE/ISIS Electron Temperature Models [info]
  Ion Composition and Drift Models
  • DY Ion Composition Model [info]
  • ISR Ion Drift Model [info, ftp]
  • St. Santin Ion Drift Model [info]
  Electric Convection Field Models
  • Polar Cap Potential Drop Model [info]
  • Volland Electric Field Model [info]
  • Heelis Electric Convection Field Model [info]
  • Millstone Hill Electric Field Model [info]
Older Trapped Particle Models  [info]
  • MODEL Program [info]
  • FLOUT Transformation [info]
  • SOFIP [info]
Older Geomagnetic(Main) Field Models  [info]
  Miscellaneous Geomagnetic Field Models
  • Jensen-Cain Model Coefficients [info ftp]
  • POGO Model Coefficients: (3/68) [info],
    (10/68) [info], (8/69) [info], (8/71) [info]
  • AWC (75) Model Coefficients [info]
  • IGS (75) Model Coefficients [info]
  • MGST Model Coefficients All [ ftp], (6/80) [info],
    (4/81) [info]
Older Magnetospheric Field Models  [info]
  • Olson-Pfitzer Field Model [info]
  • Mead-Fairfield Field Model [info]
  • Geotail Field Model [info]
Solar and Interplanetary Space Models
  Solar Reference Spectra
  • Revised SERF2 Solar EUV Flux model [ info, ftp]
  • EUV Reference Spectrum 74113 [info, ftp]

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