Unisun solar powerSun socket Plug into the sun not the grid

Welcome ! This battle site has 25 years "Hard Core" experience, and is like no other of it's kind on the internet !

It will empower you, by providing advanced technical knowledge in a unique and profound manner, leading you to "Solar Serendipity", so that you may make informed decisions on your energy future, and the future of all living things....Click here, to see some examples..

O.K ! Now what are your needs ? A suite of energy efficient appliances for a start. Click here to examine a typical scenario of an energy efficient home.

Now Click here to go to my energy estimation sheet, to formulate an energy budget for your particular lifestyle

Once you know how many daily watt-hours you're going to consume, the power system can be designed. Click here to size the system.

Every installation is different but I have designed systems for most applications the "Planet Suite" is our collection of perfectly balanced "heavenly bodies".

Hungry for more ? For 15 years my Solar Technology Designers Manual has been the bible for thousands of enthusiastic converts. 160 A4 pages crammed with renewable enlightenment for just Au$160.00.

My very comprehensive price lists

Solar Panels
See our new range of thin film solar panels

Solar Array Mounting Frames




Battery Chargers

Wind plants

Do you want to start to use Solar power in a small yet profound manner around your home?
Take a look at my Solar Micro Systems - Practical inexpensive solutions to save power...

"History Archive " - a picture gallery of some of my great solar installations over the last quarter century!

Contact :
Christopher Darker -
Solar Age Engineer

Solar Technology,
P.O Box 33,
W.A. 6282

e-mail: Unisun

PO Box 9090
NSW 2001

Mobile (24hrs) 0449 665660

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Real Life Science

Be not a water waster. Rotaloo W.A. has relied on Unisun for many years for remote power systems for RotaLoo Composting toilets.

What do you do when your closest relatives are in fear of extinction?

Take some time out and see some real Australian talent The Australian Photographic Society

A solar house project in Queensland on Bribe Island

Picture this a photoblog from Western Australia and beyond

Save energy on transportation rent A bus for every event midlandbus.com.au

To my master's at the Royal Hospital School. (1965-1970 AD)
Who handed me the key's to a new age. www.royalhospitalschool.org.

"Harry Potter eat your heart out ! "

"Every Star a Sun ! Sun's have planet's !! Is your world flat???

"Green means high technology, low environmental impact, and lots more jobs, but, you have to want change.....Not a credit card !"

Applied solar electricity in buildings

Christopher John Darker. Founder and Inspirateur.


In an attempt to present solar power to you all in an attractive,
inspiring, and comprehensible manner, I have designed the following standard solar power systems, for domestic and light industrial purposes, and named them after the planets in our solar system. " The Planets Suite" They are based on my quarter century of practical experience in designing and installing such systems..

The average daily solar energy delivery is calculated at the "equinox" ( mid season) with a daily average solar insolation level of 5.5 peak sun hours, as typical of Mediterranean climates, such as Perth, Western Australia, Lat 32 deg South. The watt-hours produced are nett,ie, genuine energy available for use, after system losses.

So That 1000 watt-hours = 1 Kilowatt-hour = 1 unit of electricity, as you would be familiar with on your power bill.

The "Planets Suite" is designed to be used in conjunction with the existing mains supply. If you wish to use them as "stand alone" then battery capacities will need to be increased by a factor of 3 to 5 times depending on latitude and cloud factor.

Grid switched

"Grid Switched" is the term I have coined, to describe the operation of my proprietory solar energized, building scale, Uninteruptable Power Supply. (U.P.S ) Thus it becomes a Solar Uninterruptable Power Supply (S.U.P.S) !

It is a "Non grid feeding system", which value adds the precious solar resource, by it's intelligent and selective application within the building. As well as generating energy, it substantially enhances the lifespan of valuable and sensitive appliances. These are often mysteriously damaged over time, by a corrupt and volatile mains supply, contaminated with harmonic distortions, surges and voltage spikes, induced by high power, neigboring equipments, such as air conditioning compressore, arc welders etc.

Grid switched systems supply certain power points with solar electricity, and other power points from the mains. Non priority appliances automatically revert to mains power depending on weather conditions and state of charge of the energy storage system ( battery), leaving priority circuits such as computers, lighting, office equipment, communications etc continuously on pure, stable solar power. Grid switched systems, because they can be electrically isolated from the mains, provide an "electrical firewall",in "solar mode", protecting sensitive, valuable appliances from damaging mains borne disturbances and outages.

Grid feed

Is mainly politically motivated, to entice the unwitting consumer to invest in public infrastructure, with minimal benefit to themselves.

Is appropriate if you wish to invest in serious "energy farming", and are prepared to install solar energy capacity way above your own daily average requirements. The solar grid feed inverter synchronizes to, and runs in parallel with the grid, feeding excess production into the grid, and drawing from it as required depending on the availability of solar energy and the electrical load presented by appliances at any given time.

Simple grid feed systems do not provide any electrical isolation or protection from mains borne disturbances and outages because they are in parallel with the mains. Neither can they guarantee supply, because they have no battery back up, and, in my opinion, if you are spending many thousands of dollars on an advanced power system, it should be failsafe, and guarantee stable supply !

More sophisticated solar "grid feed" inverters do have provision for battery back up, but they are expensive, and still do not provide isolation and protection from mains disturbances except during complete mains failure, when they are running on battery supply.

Utility companies favour grid feed, because it gives them access to renewable energy generating capacity without any capital outlay of their own, and enables their marketing gurus and spin doctors to tell consumers how clean and green they are, and to on sell this energy to others at a premium rate. Utilities and Unions do not favour batteries in solar power systems because it gives the consumer independence and choice of supply. They often denigrate batteries, claiming they are expensive, maintenance prone and inefficient, but in cunningly crafted systems such as my "Planets Suite" this is not the case at all, on the contrary, they enable a new standard in quality, stable power to be realized !

Which panel ?

As environmental and fuel crises deepen with every passing month, and fossil based society begins to convulse, renewable energies will take their rightful place at centre stage.
As far as photo-voltaic power generation is concerned, it is the "Thin Film" technologies that offer the greatest advantages.

The factories that produce them, can be built at a small fraction of the cost of factories producing 50 year old crystalline types, and consume comparatively miniscule amounts of raw materials and energy.
Thin film panels offer the ultimate in sustainable, mass production potential, and this will prove critical, for to stabilise the environment, time is of the essence. If you unwittingly purchase crystalline solar panels, sadly, you are merely grafting wings onto a brick ! Click on the following link and arm yourselves....with knowledge and truth, and make a difference ! Manufacturing processes. Please see page 16 and 17 of the Solar Technology Designers Manual.


If you study the "History archive" section, you will observe the natural evolution of Photo-Voltaic technology, which was mono-crystal cells dating from the 1960's, then poly crystal in the early 1980's, through to advanced multi-junction, amorphous thin film in the mid 1990's.

The overwhelming superiority of the best amorphous panels is amply demonstrated in the case studies of the "Solar installations" section. We have used nothing else but Uni-Solar US-64's for the past 12 years, and have never regretted it. Out of many thousands sold, not a single report of degraded performance or failure, or a single warranty claim. Now we move on to the third generation of thin film technologies, with even better performance, exemplified in our latest price lists.

Thank you for reading this far...Well done ! Now listen ! I am a scientist not a technobabbling salemen ! Unfortunately, most operators in this industry will try and sell you anything, and justify it with pathetic excuses. They don't care about contributing towards technological advancement, or the emancipation of society
from the "Barons of Fossildom", and their bankers and shareholders. Wake up ! If you have a mind to invest in the future, then for goodness sake support the development of superior technologies, for they are the key to the widepread and meaningful inplementation of solar generated power on our beleagured mother Earth !!!

Energetically yours.

Christopher Darker. Solar Age Engineer.

See a solar power system in a shipping container affordable and very convenient

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