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STAR Grant R829005 - The Influence of Amphiphilic Molecules on the Environmental Fate and Transport of Pharmaceuticals (2001 - 2004)

Project Purpose:
This work will evaluate transport processes affecting pharmaceutical movement in the environment, and will study the influence of amphiphiles (e.g., surfactants, phospholipids) on the fate and transport of pharmaceuticals in the environment.

Project Description(s):
This work will examine the influence of amphiphiles on the fate and transport of pharmaceuticals through a combination of batch and column adsorption and desorption experiments involving environmentally relevant pharmaceuticals and amphiphiles. Pharmaceuticals and amphiphiles will be used in concentrations covering the range of likely environmental conditions, from ultra-low concentrations (ng/L) of each, through moderate concentrations (mg/L or higher) which might be observed directly at an infiltration source (e.g., a confined animal feeding operation, etc.). Experimental results will be coupled with transport simulation (tracking both surfactants and pharmaceuticals) to assess the potential impact of amphiphiles on the migration of pharmaceuticals.

Project Tasks: Task 1. Batch Adsorption/Desorption Experiments; Task 2. Column Transport Experiments with Surfactants; Task 3. Column Transport Experiments with Class II Amphiphiles/Vesicles; and Task 4. Development of a coupled transport simulator.

Project Outcomes:
Final report: The Influence of Amphiphilic Molecules on the Environmental Fate and Transport of Pharmaceuticals

Angela Page at page.angelad@epa.gov

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