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Move Beyond Coal

Coal-fired power plants are one of our nation's largest and dirtiest sources of energy. There are readily available alternatives to coal that can meet our energy needs and save consumers money, boost the economy, create jobs, improve public health, and combat global warming.

Our Program

The Sierra Club's "Move Beyond Coal" Campaign aims to eliminate one-third of the nation's global warming emissions, by:

  1. Challenging new coal plants across the country.

  2. Increasing efforts to retire the dirtiest old power plants.

  3. Addressing the entire coal cycle, including mountaintop removal mining and its devastating impact on communities.

  4. Educating investors and conducting shareholder advocacy to drive investment away from coal and into clean energy alternatives.

  5. Stepping up efforts to support clean energy solutions.

  6. Strengthening relationships with the public and a variety of coalitions to address coal as it relates to the environment, public health and the economy.

Coal plants are a leading cause of respiratory illness, they account for over 40% of our nation's carbon dioxide emissions, and, because of impending carbon pricing, are rapidly becoming the more expensive. Yet there are still plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants across the U.S. more Read more

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