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Found 11 studies with search of:   (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (tai chi) [TREATMENT]

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1 Recruiting Green Tea and Tai Chi for Bone Health
Condition: Osteoporosis
Interventions: Other: placebo;   Dietary Supplement: GTP;   Behavioral: Placebo plus Tai Chi;   Other: GTP plus Tai Chi
2 Recruiting Tai Chi Mind-Body Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure
Condition: Heart Failure
Interventions: Behavioral: 12-week Tai Chi Program;   Behavioral: 12-week Education Program
3 Active, not recruiting Tai Chi Mind-Body Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Condition: Fibromyalgia
Interventions: Behavioral: 12-week Tai Chi Program.;   Behavioral: 12-week Stretching and Wellness Education Program
4 Completed Tai Chi Chih and Varicella Zoster Immunity
Condition: Varicella
Intervention: Behavioral: Tai chi chih
5 Recruiting Effect of Tai Chi Vs. Structured Exercise on Physical Fitness and Stress in Cancer Survivors
Conditions: Cancer;   Cancer Survivor
Intervention: Procedure: Tai Chi Chuan
6 Active, not recruiting Tai Chi Mind-Body Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis
Condition: Knee Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Behavioral: 12-week tai Chi program;   Behavioral: 12-week stretching and wellness education program
7 Active, not recruiting Comparing Tai Chi Chih and Relaxation Therapy in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Condition: Arthritis, Rheumatoid
Interventions: Behavioral: Tai Chi Chih;   Behavioral: Relaxation training
8 Completed Massage, Meditation, and Tai Chi for Chronic Lower Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Behavioral: Tai chi;   Behavioral: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program;   Procedure: Therapeutic massage
9 Completed Complementary/Alternative Medicine for Abnormality in the Vestibular (Balance) System
Conditions: Vestibular Neuronitis;   Vestibulopathy
Intervention: Behavioral: Tai Chi
10 Completed Alternative Stress Management Approaches in HIV Disease
Condition: HIV Infections
Interventions: Behavioral: Cognitive-behavioral relaxation (Positively Living);   Behavioral: Spiritual growth group;   Behavioral: Focused Tai Chi
11 Completed Shingles: Immune Effects of Tai Chi
Conditions: Aging;   Herpes Zoster
Intervention: Behavioral: Tai Chi Chih

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