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Funding and Research Collaboration Opportunities

chemical structure of Ethynylestradiol

Ethinyl[ethynyl] estradiol (EE2) is a more potent, synthetic version of the natural estrogenic sex steroid estradiol (E2), used in birth control medications.

Even though it is extensively removed by sewage treatment, very low concentrations that persist in the environment (at the part-per-trillion level -- nanograms per liter) can impart hormonal effects in aquatic organisms.

A variety of avenues exist for students, postdoctoral scientists, and established scientists to pursue both funded and volunteer research in environmental science; at times there are even opportunities that specifically target the topic of PPCPs in the environment. Presented below are some of the more common mechanisms allowing pursuit of research under the auspices of, or in collaboration with, U.S. EPA scientists.

Volunteer Basis

U.S. EPA Student Volunteer Program:

In addition to the benefits of a student being able to claim experience working with the EPA, and performing formally recognized volunteer service, students also can gain firsthand experience working with senior EPA scientists and with state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation/computer systems. Note that Volunteer Service may be considered creditable to future federal service.  http://www.studentjobs.gov/searchvol.asp 

U.S. EPA Visiting Scientist Program:

Requires a brief proposal to EPA collaborators as well as letters of understanding between host EPA facility and the visitor's sponsoring institution. These opportunities are established directly between the outside scientist and the proposed, hosting EPA scientist.

Funded Basis

U.S. EPA Environmental Research Fellowships (Graduate and Undergraduate)

U.S. EPA STAR Fellowships

[also see: "The Measure of STAR: Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Research Grants Program," Committee to Review EPA's Research Grants Program, National Research Council, National Academies Press, 2003, 190 pp.]

Note also that there are numerous other programs (not directly affiliated with the EPA) that support students in environmental research. Some examples include:

Comprehensive Listing of EPA Grants and Fellowship Information

Non-EPA Positions that permit research at EPA

NSF-Navy Civilian Service Fellowship-Scholarship Program - Division of Graduate Education

USAJobs - Comprehensive information and listing of ALL federal employment opportunities

Student Jobs (including official volunteer service)

e-Scholar - U.S. OPM gateway to federal educational opportunities

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