Abstract Submission

All workshop participants, as well as all invited speakers, who wish to bring a poster presentation to the Workshop on Iron Overload:  Mechanisms, Measurement, and Management should submit a concise one-page abstract summarizing their presentation no later than Monday, October 6, 2008.

Invited speakers also are requested to submit a one-page abstract of their presentation by Monday, October 6, 2008. Speaker and poster abstracts will be printed in a workshop program book, so it is important that abstracts be submitted in a timely manner to allow for the production and printing of the program book.

POSTER PRESENTATIONS will be displayed on 4-foot-high by 6-foot-wide poster boards. Pushpins and Velcro will be provided onsite. Please follow the instructions below to submit a poster abstract for consideration.

Travel Awards and Selected Talks from Abstract Submissions

Students and postdoctoral researchers/fellows are encouraged to attend this workshop. A limited number of travel awards are available to workshop participants who submit abstracts selected for presentation as concise talks in the body of the workshop program. Presenters for short talks and travel award recipients will be chosen from among those who have submitted abstracts on the basis of special relevance of the abstract to the underlying themes of the Workshop. If you wish to be considered for a travel award and concise talk, please include a short cover letter containing a brief biographical sketch, along with your abstract. The poster abstract submission deadline is Monday, October 6, 2008.

Please send all abstract submissions to:

PowerPoint Presentations

All speakers should plan to send their PowerPoint presentations by email to no later than Monday, October 20, 2008. All presentations will be loaded on the workshop laptop. If you plan to use a MAC computer for your presentation, please note that information on your registration or send an email to Ms. Hays. Both Mac and PC laptops will be available at the workshop.

NIDDK National Institutes of Health U.S. Department of Health & Human Services