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Other Ways to Give

Memorial/Honorary Donations

Memorial and honorary gifts to Trout Unlimited are a unique way to honor a friend or loved one. Consider honoring loved ones on birthdays, graduations, weddings and other special occasions.

All gifts will be acknowledged with a letter to both the donor and to the person or the family of the individual being remembered or honored. Simply send a check to:

Memorial/Honorary Gifts
Trout Unlimited
1300 N. 17th St., Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22209-3801

Corporate Matching Gifts

Trout Unlimited encourages its members to use their employer's matching gifts programs as an easy way to increase their donation to the organization. Simply ask your company's personnel office if there is a program, and if so, send the matching gift paperwork from your office, with your portion completed, along with your donation. Trout Unlimited and your employer will take care of the rest. By using your matching gifts programs, you will double your contribution to conserving, protecting and restoring North America's trout and salmon. Send matching gifts to:

Matching Gifts
Trout Unlimited
1300 N. 17th St., Suite 500
Arlington, VA 22209-3801

Stock Gifts

Gifts of appreciated stock provide an immediate income tax deduction and are not subject to capital gains tax. The easiest, most secure way to make a stock gift is to transfer shares electronically from your account to Trout Unlimited's account. To receive transfer instructions, please contact Kendra Bailey, TU's Development Assistant, at (703) 284-9430 or It is important to note that no donor information, such as your name, is transmitted with an electronic stock transfer. You or your stockbroker should contact Kendra before the transfer so that the gift can be promptly and accurately acknowledged.