Crude oil has fallen, but plenty of people expect it to rebound sharply in coming years. Natural gas prices, on the other hand, are set to stay low for a long time. And that makes the economics of clean energy even dicier.


Too much of a good thing (AP)

Wood Mackenzie, the energy-industry consultants, expect U.S. natural gas prices to hover around $5.00 to $6.00 per million BTUs for the next five years. That’s a more bearish outlook than the U.S. Energy Information Administration, which figures gas will average about $6.75 next year.

After gas spiked over $12 this summer, why the price collapse? Jen Synder, head of North American gas research for Wood Mac, says it boils down to the perfect storm of oversupply and disappearing demand.

U.S. natural gas production has been more successful—and production costs lower—than expected, especially in the much-hyped gas shale plays. There are also plenty of foreign natural-gas producers slated to export liquified natural gas to the U.S. in coming years.

At the same time, Ms. Syder says, the tanking economy is wrecking demand for natural gas both for power generation and industry. She points to other knock-on effects from falling oil prices, too—such as lessened demand from oil sands producers for natural gas, since cheaper oil has put many of the more-expensive oil sands projects on hold for now.

That’s probably good news for many U.S. power producers (natural gas makes up about 20% of the nation’s electricity mix) and consumers who had been buffeted by volatile gas prices earlier this year. It probably won’t help the already-troubled Alaskan natural gas pipeline project, either.

It’s even less cheery for renewable energy. The sector’s recent growth, especially in wind power, was underpinned by both government policy and improving economics as fossil fuels got pricier. But cheap gas makes wind more expensive, as T. Boone Pickens has noted, even if Wal-Mart is in for the long haul.

That puts the onus for clean-energy’s progress even more squarely on government shoulders. States have already taken the lead with renewable-energy mandates, such as California’s recent decision to make power companies get 33% of their juice from renewable energy in 2020.

From Washington, President-elect Barack Obama has pledged more and longer-term support for clean energy. He’s also promised a climate change bill that would make fossil fuels more expensive, and thus help out clean-energy economics—sometime down the road.

In the meantime, government support for clean energy is troubled. The federal tax credit works when companies have taxable income to offset; that’s been called into doubt with the recession. At the same time, as Knowledge Problem points out, the federal production tax credit is a far from perfect tool to boost clean energy. In Texas, federal subsidies actually encourage wind power companies to generate power even when it’s less than worthless.

If Wood Mac is right and natural gas prices are going to stay low for five years, then clean energy is probably going to need a bigger—and better—hand from government.