Stephen Power reports:

The Waxman era begins: The first congressional hearing of 2009 on climate change got off to an acrimonious start Thursday, as House Republicans blasted a group of corporate CEOs and environmental groups for staging a press conference instead of appearing before the House Ènergy and Commerce Committee to answer lawmakers’ questions about their ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The Republicans also vowed to hold members of the US Climate Action Partnership accountable for their own use of fossil fuels, by demanding they explain to the committee whether they traveled to Washington by corporate aircraft and how much fuel they used.

“Be prepared for a battle,” Illinois Republican John Shimkus said at the start of the hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Mr. Shimkus vowed to “hold accountable” any Democrats from coal-abundant and petroleum-producing states who vote in favor of legislation to cap greenhouse gas emissions and set up an emissions trading system in which companies would have to buy permits allowing them to pollute.

Mr. Shimkus and other Republicans called such legislation, which is favored by President-elect Barack Obama, “a shell game designed to hide” the true costs of regulation from consumers.

The comments came at the first hearing on climate change chaired by California’s Henry Waxman after he defeated Michigan’s John Dingell last year for the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The rhetorical war suggests the road to passing climate-change legislation will be rocky, at least in the House.

The committee is scheduled to hear testimony later this morning from from the CEOs of General Electric, Duke Energy and other corporations that belong to the US Climate Action Partnership. The group is in Washington to unveil its proposed “blueprint” for climate-change legislation. Republicans on the panel said they had been given an hour and a half to view the group’s written recommendations; had been denied a chance to seat a witness on the same dais as the CEOs; and that the CEOs would be available for questions from the panel for only two hours - a time frame Republicans said was inadequate.

In response, Mr. Waxman said lawmakers would have a chance to quiz other representatives of the companies and that “this is not the last hearing” he plans to hold on the matter.

UPDATE: Mr. Waxman will suffer no delays in tackling climate change, whatever his House colleagues may think. He said he intends to pass climate-change legislation out of committee by Memorial Day.