Archive for February, 2006

Volunteer opportunities for hunters

Volunteer opportunities for hunters
By Sandy Reith, volunteer coordinator, Arizona Game and Fish Department The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s volunteer program provides opportunities for volunteers to [...]

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Conservation spotlight

Conservation spotlight
Arizona Antelope Foundation
By Jim Unmacht, 2004-2005 president
How did your group get started? On Oct. [...]

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Supplemental hunter education classes enhance knowledge

Supplemental hunter education classes enhance knowledge
By Bill Larson, former hunter education coordinator, Arizona Game and Fish Department
In [...]

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Ask a wildlife manager

Ask a wildlife manager
By Ron Day, law enforcement branch chief, Arizona Game and Fish Department
The legalities of picking up wildlife parts
A common question [...]

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Junior hunters

Junior hunters
Travis-Jay Toot gets his first mule deer
Pat Taylor submitted this report about his 11-year-old grandson Travis, [...]

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Another day in the woods: looking for shed antlers

Another day in the woods: looking for shed antlers
By Ron Day, law enforcement branch chief, Arizona Game and Fish Department
It’s February, so what’s a hunter to [...]

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Been hunting? Determination pays off for Ryan Burbank

Been hunting?
Determination pays off for Ryan Burbank
Ryan Burbank’s first elk hunt got off to a rough start even before [...]

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Hunting outlook: javelina

Hunting outlook: javelina
By Brian Wakeling, big game supervisor, Arizona Game and Fish Department

If you were lucky enough to draw a spring javelina tag, you [...]

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A few helpful hints for hunting javelina

A few helpful hints for hunting javelina
By Craig McMullen, field supervisor, Arizona Game and Fish Department
In javelina hunting, finding the javelina is more than half the battle. They [...]

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