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Orientation and Training

Food and Drug Administration




Section 13 - Engineering

EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2003 REVISED: 06/27/2008

13.2 Photography

A.  Objective

To review the basic principles of photography and to introduce photographic equipment to the trainee.

B.  Assignment

The trainer will review the fundamentals of photography with the trainee. Topics to be covered include:

  • f-stop,
  • depth of field,
  • film speed,
  • filters,
  • lighting,
  • light meters, and
  • film storage.

The trainer will introduce photographic equipment and instruct in its use and care.  Equipment presented should include:

  • 35 mm camera,
  • digital camera,
  • Polaroid camera,
  • oscilloscope camera,
  • close-up camera,
  • microscope camera, and
  • other equipment (scanners, color printers).

The trainee will be expected to gain practical experience using the photographic equipment to produce good quality photographs with complete and accurate detail.


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