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ORA Laboratory Manual
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Orientation and Training

Food and Drug Administration




Section 12 - Radioactivity

EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2003 REVISED: 06/27/2008

12.3 Laboratory Radiation Detection Instrumentation

A.  Objective

To familiarize the trainee with the radionuclide laboratory equipment.

B.  Assignment

The trainer will discuss the location, care, and calibration procedures for equipment found in the radionuclide laboratory.  The training exercises include calibration of the instruments defined below.

Typical equipment (including single channel and multichannel analyzers) found in the radionuclide laboratory includes the following:

  1. gas-flow proportional counter,
  2. low background beta counter (Tennelec),
  3. liquid scintillation counter,
  4. alpha spectrophotometer,
  5. gamma spectrophotometer,
  6. ionization chamber,
  7. solid state silicon surface barrier detector, 
  8. high purity germanium detector,
  9. sodium iodide (Tl) detector, and 
  10. x-ray detector.

C.  Questions

  1. Describe the theory of operation and its application in the laboratory for the following:  a proportional counter, a scintillation counter, and a solid state detector coupled to a multichannel analyzer.
  2. What is the formula for gamma-ray resolution?

D.  References

  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2003). RH1002 FDA Basic radiation safety course, Basic radiation safety resource manual. Jefferson, AK. 
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center. (1995). Radiation safety manual.  Winchester, MA.
  3. Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J., Macias, E., Miller, J. (1981).  Nuclear and radiochemistry  (3rd ed.).  New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Dean, J. Analytical chemistry handbook (1st ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.


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