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Section 8 - Courtroom Testimony

EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2003 REVISED: 06/27/2008

8.3 Giving Testimony

One of the best means of anticipating what questions the defense will ask is simply to see the case from the defense perspective. "What questions would I ask me to invalidate this testimony?" If at all possible try to set up a mock trial involving fellow analysts, supervisors, and compliance officers. Hold an informal roundtable discussion or a more formal setup where peers can provide the inquisition the analyst may face on the witness stand. This can be one of the most helpful experiences before trial. Unanticipated questions may come to light and in some instances may provide the analyst with a better understanding of how he or she will react under pressure.  The principles enumerated in Attachment "Deportment in the Courtroom - A Guide to the Witness and Those Who Aid in Court Cases" are the result of observations in court of some of the things that witnesses could have done to make their appearance on the stand and the presentation of their testimony more effective.


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