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Audio/Visual Request Form

Updated: 11/10/2003

Name __________________________________________________________
         Last                                         First                                       (initial)

E-Mail Address ___________________________________________

Telephone Number _____________________________

Organization _____________________________________________

Ground Shipping Address ___________________________________
(FedEx or UPS - No POB Accepted)



Street Address (if different from mailing address - for UPS and FedEx)


City                                                                 State

Use a separate sheet for each month's request

Catalog Number Title Date Desired Alternate Date


Mail to: 
ORA Lending Library
Division of Human Resource Development
Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane, HFC-60
Rockville, Maryland  20857
I have read the policies and procedures for borrowing training materials from the DHRD Library.  I agree to all the terms and conditions therein.


Fax to:    Lending Library


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