GLOBE Standards and Curriculm Integration

You have selected Texas as your state and PHY as your grade level.

To continue, select standards to see which GLOBE concepts and tasks satisfy them:

Standards for Texas, grade PHY:
PHY.1a Safe Practices
PHY.1b Conservation of Resources
PHY.2a Plan and Conduct Investigations
PHY.2b Make Quantitative Observations with Accuracy and Precision
PHY.2c Organize, Analyze, Make Inferences, and Predict Trends
PHY.2d Communicating Valid Conclusions
PHY.2e Graph Data
PHY.2f Read the Scale on Scientific Instruments with Precision
PHY.3a Analyze, Review, and Critique
PHY.3b Express Laws Symbolically and Employ Mathematical Procedures
PHY.3c Evaluate Research
PHY.3d Making Connections
PHY.3e History of Physics
PHY.4a Generate and Interpret Graphs Describing Motion
PHY.4b Examples of Uniform and Accelerated Motion
PHY.4c Effects of Forces on Motion of Objects
PHY.4d Free-body Diagram for Force Analysis
PHY.4e Identify and Describe Motion Relative to Different Frames of Reference
PHY.5a Work-energy Theorem
PHY.5b Kinetic and Potential Energy and their Transformations
PHY.5c Mechanical Energy and Motion in a Physical System
PHY.5d Conservation of Energy and Momentum
PHY.6a Influence of Mass and Distance on Gravitational Forces
PHY.6b Historical Development of Physics Concepts
PHY.6c Influences of Charge and Distance on Electric Forces
PHY.6d Relationship Between Electricity and Magnetism
PHY.6e Electric Circuits
PHY.6f Examples of Electrical and Magnetic Forces in Everyday Life
PHY.7a Everyday Examples Illustrating the Law of Thermodynamics
PHY.7b Different Methods of Heat Energy Transfer
PHY.8a Waves and Wave Characteristics
PHY.8b Characteristics and Behaviors of Sound and Electromagnetic Waves
PHY.8c Role of Wave Characteristics in Medicinal and Industrial Applications
PHY.9a Photoelectric Effect
PHY.9b Line Spectra From Gas-discharge Tubes

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