GLOBE Bulletin

May 14, 2004:
GLOBE Earth Day web chats a success!

Two regional GLOBE Web chats were an outstanding success on Earth Day, April 22, 2004! The first one included countries in the Middle East, and students from the greater Caribbean region including the Gulf of Mexico participated in the second. In each chat, students from many countries shared their experiences with each other and had the opportunity to interact with many scientists.

Students from Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Qatar have been studying relationships between land cover, atmosphere and climate as well as water chemistry of the seas. Salinity, in particular, can be very high in these arid climates. Because of student experiences with this chat, country coordinators are requesting more chats on a regular basis.

In the Caribbean Web chat, students from Costa Rica, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Florida, U.S., shared experiences about Earth Day activities and ongoing collaborative research. Many students discussed the types of contrails they saw on Earth Day. Two St. Croix Central High School science clubs logged on to a nationwide program using wireless laptops, while others logged on with wired computers at schools, homes, or at U.S. Embassies.

Both of these Web chats have been archived on the GLOBE Web site. To find the chats, please click on "News and Events" on the GLOBE Navigation bar. On the next page, scroll down until you see "ONGOING EVENTS" Under ONGOING EVENTS, click on "Archive: GLOBE Chats and Exchanges". A list of chats will appear on the next page. Click on April 22, 2004, Caribbean Web Chat to view the dialog for the regional Caribbean chat or April 22, 2004, How GLOBE measurements can help protect our planet to view the regional Middle East chat.

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