Alice Vail Middle School, Tucson, AZ, USA

07 November 1997

Students at Alice Vail Middle School in Tucson, Arizona kicked off their participation in GLOBE on Earth Day 1996 with a special visit from Representative Jim Kolbe (pictured left) and GLOBE soils scientist, Dr. Jim Washburne (pictured right). The students demonstrated their GLOBE measurement activities for the Congressman and talked about their plans for participation in GLOBE. The soil moisture measurement equipment used by GLOBE schools is pictured to the lower right. The event was covered in the local newspaper and featured on two local television stations.

"I applaud the ability of the GLOBE program to kindle an interest in science among young people," said Rep. Kolbe.

GLOBE Teacher Joel Blutfield is working hard to make GLOBE a success at Alice Vail Middle School. After graduating from a special GLOBE teacher training workshop this past winter at the University of Arizona, Mr. Blutfield successfully applied for a grant to the Tucson-based Educational Enrichment Fund to purchase the GLOBE scientific instruments.

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