GLOBE at the United Nations

07 March 2002

In her address to an international audience at the United Nations early this year, 8-year-old Kahja Reid talked about the weather. She described how her third-grade class set up their GLOBE weather station (with a little help from a couple of fellows named Ken and Renzo from a local fence company) and how they do atmosphere protocols.

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"We have a high/low temperature gauge, a rain gauge, and a snow board," Kahja said. "We use the GLOBE cloud chart to show us the clouds in the sky. There are three basic types. My favorite cloud is the cirrostratus - a high light gray or white cloud. It is often thin with the sun or moon seen through them.

"After we take the readings and measurements we put the information into the GLOBE database over the Internet," she explained.

Reid and her teachers from Rensselaer Park Elementary School in Troy, NY, participated in the conference entitled "Environment, Education, and the United Nations: Working Towards Sustainable Development." GLOBE teachers Christine McGurrin and Christine Reed were asked to explain how they contribute to solving environmental problems through their work in the classroom.

"The conference allowed our team from Rensselaer Park School to talk with dignitaries from the United Nations who are concerned with economic, environmental and social issues," McGurrin said. "We learned about population trends and their effects on poverty reduction, empowerment, and sustainable development. And we talked about GLOBE."

McGurrin addressed the gathering and she, teacher Reed and young Reid presented GLOBE materials and answered questions about the program from a diverse group of educators, thinkers and students.

"I spoke before many teachers and important scientists and leaders from throughout the world," Reid said. "I knew they would be kind and understanding as they listened. They clapped when it was over. I was able to represent my class and share our GLOBE project."

The group was excited to be able not only to share details about their GLOBE work but also to learn from the others. "The conference brought home the idea that we are part of a global community," teacher Reed said.

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