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FDAMA Southeast Stakeholders Meeting
Atlanta, April 28, 1999

Proceeding Summary

On April 28, 1999, the Southeast Regional Stakeholders Meeting entitled "Talking with Stakeholders About Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA)" was held at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 60 8th Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. The stakeholders meeting, in conjunction with a live national satellite teleconference with FDA Commissioner Jane E. Henney, was held in eight local cities across the country. Atlanta was the site for the FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs meeting.

Opening remarks by the Deputy Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs included the purpose of the Forum and an overview of the FDA. Participants were reminded that this Forum was an ongoing discussion begun last summer with FDA Stakeholders that provided a report on FDA’s progress in implementing FDAMA and the Agency’s strategic direction in the future, and to seek stakeholders’ input in this process. The Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO) and the Health Industry Manufactures Association (HIMA) both made presentations after the teleconference. The Forum agenda included two plenary sessions that addressed public participation and the Commissioner’s five priorities: 1) Full and effective implementaiton of the FDAMA; 2) Enhancing the Agency’s science base; 3) The safety of the Nation’s food supply; 4) The safety of the Nation’s blood supply; and 5) Reducing young people’s use of tobacco products.

The Forum panel consisted of the Acting Deputy Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, the Acting Regional Food and Drug Director for the Southeast Region, and the Director of the Dallas District.

Participants interacted with each other in small workgroups prior to the teleconference to develop questions. Several questions submitted were addressed via satellite. The remaining questions were addressed by the Forum panel. Participants were assured that the basic mission of the Agency is to get good products on the market and to get bad products off the market -- that FDA is committed to making sure that there are good products on the market at all times. Participants were also informed that FDA is very much interested in conducting these kinds of meetings in the broadest possible coverage at different local levels around the country.

Twenty-eight consumers were in attendance, representing industry, academia, association, health care organizations, and federal, state and local government. All attendees were provided information folders including background information about the Agency and FDAMA.

[Official Recording for Docket No. 99N-0386, Donavan Reporting, 237 Roswell Street, Marietta, GA 30060]
[Stakeholder questions reference: March 22, 1999, Federal Register notice]

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(Refreshed layout: 02-01-2005)