International Permaculture Services

Latest News

  • January 2009
    Permaculture Practical Certificate Course is being held in Tasmania (Jan 12th-24th) . Registration Form here. See Courses for full details.
  • September 2008
    Design Course in Melbourne with Greg Knibbs and Perm. Founder Bill Mollison (Sep 22nd - Oct 4th) . Registration Form here. See Courses for full details.
  • May/June 2008
    A new Permaculture Certificate Course is planned for Ghana from 26th May to 7th June. Download the Registration Form here. See Courses for more details.
  • 2009
    Greg is now available for Permaculture Consultation in Western Australia. Contact Greg for further details.

"Permaculture principles can be applied to any environment, at any scale; from dense urban settlements to individual homes, farms to entire regions."

Bill Mollison
Founder, Aust. Permaculture Institute

"What permaculturalists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet."

David Suzuki
Biologist & Author

Welcome to
International Permaculture Services

International Permaculture Services provides Permaculture, Consulting, Education and Design services to industry and the private sector.

An Australian Company, International Permaculture Services was founded by Managing Director Greg Knibbs, an accredited permaculture practitioner.  Greg has a solid history of over 30 years experience in horticulture, permaculture design, project management and environmental maintenance at both regional and international levels.

International Permaculture Services is a professional organisation, registered with the Australian Permaculture Institute, runs courses accredited by the Institute, and provides international services in developing countries.  The company has a division in Ghana, West Africa, and has worked on projects with communities, non-government organisations and private companies in:

The Philippines
West Africa

International Permaculture Services Aims

To provide education and consultation to local communities, international companies, and governments in sustainable environmental development.

To train people to create sustainable permaculture systems that are ecologically sound and economically viable, which provide for their own needs, today, and in the future.

Capacity Statment

International Permaculture Services has a Capacity Statement for Download and Printing. This covers the various aspects of the business covered in this website. Feel Free to Download and Print as you or your associates require. Download I.P.S. Capacity Statement


If you are interested in Permaculture and Sustainability and what it can provide for you/your community/company/organisation or if you would like to learn more about any of the ideas, concepts or implementations please contact International Permaculture Services via our contacts page.

This site gives some detail on how International Permaculture Services has brought Permaculture design and principles to the world. Browse around the Projects page for further information on projects that International Permaculture Services has already undertaken.