NHTSA logo - this page is 508 compliantVehicle Importation Regulations

General importation instructions:

* Importation and Certification FAQ�s (May 2005)

* Vehicle Importation Guidelines (Canadian) (January 2007)

* Vehicle Importation Guidelines (Non-Canadian) (December 2008)

* Temporary Vehicle Importation Guidelines (October 2002)

Adobe Acrobat PDF Temporary Vehicle Importation Guidelines (January 2007)

What vehicles can be imported:

* List of Nonconforming Vehicles Eligible for Importation (May 2008)

* Status of Pending Vehicle Import Eligibility Petitions (December 2008)

* Show or Display. Importing a Vehicle for Show or Display Purposes.

* Copy of Federal Register Notice (PDF format)

* How to Import a Motor Vehicle for Show or Display (July 2003)

* Applications

*  Application for permission to import a specific motor vehicle for show or display - 7/2003

*   Application for determination that a motor vehicle is eligible for show or display - 7/2003

* Approved/Disapproved Vehicle List (July 2007)

* Information for Racing
Importing a Vehicle for Racing Purposes.

Who can help with importing:

* List Of Registered Importers (December 2008)

* How To Become A Registered Importer (PDF - Nov 2000)
This is a 71 Kb Adobe Acrobat file.

* Registered Importer NewsLetters

Forms and special instructions:

* HS-7 Declaration Form (PDF format) (May 2006)

* HS-7 Privacy Act (PDF format) (May 2006)

* HS-474 Bond To Ensure Conformance With Motor Vehicle Safety And Bumper Standards (PDF format) (January 1, 1990)

* FMVSS Booklet (March 1999)
This booklet lists the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in effect as of December 1998, and provides a brief description of each safety standard. It also provides a brief description of other Federal consumer information regulations and requirements.