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Army Environmental Policy Institute
Publications - Cleanup/Munitions

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Assessment of United States Army Environmental Quality Research, Development, and Acquisition (EQ RDA): Application of Opportunities from Defense and Acquisition Reforms
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Mar. 1997

Abstract: Over the next six years the Army expects to pay more than $8.7 billion dollars to remediate contaminated lands and to mitigate outdated industrial and troop installation operations. These high costs have had and will continue to have significant impact on the availability of resources for operations, modernization and procurement of critical warfighting materiel, and training lands. Environmental costs therefore represent significant opportunity losses for Army Readiness. The Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army promulgated the 'Army's Environmental Strategy into the 21st Century' to drive environmental sustainability as a tool for maintaining Army Readiness. However, serious limitations of available environmental technologies are hampering that Strategy.

Brownfield's Redevelopment - A Restoration policy opportunity for the U.S. Army?
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Publication #296

Abstract: The U.S. Army, as a part of the DoD complex and owner of a large number of environmentally distressed sites, has a significant role to play in the restoration program confronting the U.S. Army mechanism. This role can potentially facilitate this restoration process, even if it requires a significant "rethinking" of how the "Army does business" and is thus worthy of consideration. This report summarizes the findings of a study undertaken to examine the potential for the Brownsfields Redevelopment Program proposed by the EPA for urban areas to impact Army restoration policy.

The Lessons of Massachusetts Military Reservation
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Apr. 2001 / Publication #1001B

Abstract: Environmental awareness and stewardship were not priorities in Army installations and operations until the 1990s. Today’s public environmental awareness and growing concern for public health and natural resources have called into question some past training practices as potential sources of environmental contamination at military installations. One such installation with a legacy of environmental contamination is Massachusetts Military Reservation (MMR). Located on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, MMR has served as a military training facility for over ninety years. Analysis of the MMR legacy is critical for two reasons: (1) past training and safety procedures caused contamination that spread beyond installation boundaries via an underlying sole-source aquifer; and (2) Army handling of this legacy ultimately resulted in an EPA Administrative Order that indefinitely suspended artillery, mortar, and demolition training at MMR. The ultimate lesson of MMR is that it is impossible to sustain a wellprepared Army without environmental stewardship.

Solidification Technologies for Restoration of Sites Contaminated with Hazardous Wastes
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Jan. 1998 / Publication #0083

Abstract: This document collates information on hazardous waste remediation technologies pertaining to Solidification and Stabilization (S/S) used to clean up hazardous waste sites. An explanation of these solidification and stabilization processes provides an insight into the effects that S/S technologies have on hazardous wastes. S/S technologies can (1) improve the handling and physical characteristics of the waste, (2) decrease the surface area of the waste across which transfer or loss of contaminants can occur, and (3) limit the mobility of hazardous constituents of the waste. The goal of this document is to evaluate the S/S technologies using standardized evaluation criteria.

Technologies for the Restoration of Soils, Waters and Groundwaters contaminated with Hazardous Wastes
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Publication #396

Abstract: The Army Environmental Policy Institute (AEPI) has a mission of remaining abreast of current and emerging technologies in environmental protection and to provide options to Army policy makers initiating, directing, or using new technologies that minimize impacts on the environment. This document is part of an initial phase of study to identify those environmental technologies that will be required to solve future environmental challenges.

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