Welcome to the Celtnet Wild Food Recipes Home Page

Welcome to Celtnet's Wild Food Recipes Page — This is a continuation of an entire series of pages that will, I hope, allow my visitors to better navigate this site. As well as displaying recipes by name, country and region of origin I am now planning a whole series of pages where recipes can be located by meal type and main ingredient. This page gives a listing of all the wild fod recipes added to this site. I am defining wild foods as any ingredient that can be found or foraged in the wild. Obviously almost all Ancient Recipes fall into this category... But you will also find modern and fusion recipes that have a wild-sourced ingredient in them. Whether that be a wild herb, a wild fruit, a mushroom, a seaweed or wild-caught meat. I hope that these pages will encourage you to look at your food and the world around you in a different way. Just have a look at those various hedgerow 'weeds' that just might make an unusual addition to your plate and provide a new and different taste for your palate.

Alphabetical list of wild recipes follows (limited to 100 recipes per page). There are 753 recipes in total:

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A Spring Tart
     Origin: British
Barley with Grilled Chanterelles and Wilding Apples
     Origin: British
Braised Sow Thistle and Button Mushrooms
     Origin: British
A Tansy
     Origin: British
Bean Soup with Sea Beans and Sorrel
     Origin: British
Bramble and Apple Jam
     Origin: British
Acorn and Hazelnut Pap
     Origin: Ancient
Beans and Caraway
     Origin: Ancient
Bramble Syrup
     Origin: British
Acorn Flour Waffles
     Origin: British
Beef and Wild Herb Soup
     Origin: British
Broom Flower Salad
     Origin: British
Acorn Pan Bread
     Origin: Ancient
Bilberry Cookies
     Origin: British
Broom Flower Wine
     Origin: Ancient
Acorn Tortillas
     Origin: American
Bilberry Ice Cream
     Origin: British
     Origin: Italy
Akume with Ademe Sauce
     Origin: Togo
Bilberry Muffins
     Origin: British
Burdock Beer
     Origin: Ancient
Ancient Nettle Beer
     Origin: Ancient
Birch Sap and Cleavers Risotto
     Origin: British
Burdock Pickles
     Origin: British
Ancient Pork Stew
     Origin: Ancient
Black Dumplings
     Origin: Ancient
Buttered Cobnuts
     Origin: British
Apple and Elderberry Pie
     Origin: British
Black Pudding, Potato and Yarrow Salad
     Origin: British
Buttered Fireweed Shoots
(Buttered Rosebay Willowherb Shoots)
     Origin: British
Apple and Mint Jelly
     Origin: British
Blackberry and Elderberry Jam
     Origin: British
Buttered Ground Elder
     Origin: Sweden
Apple and Rowan Berry Pie
     Origin: Irish
Blackberry Cheese Spread
     Origin: British
Buttered Pignuts
     Origin: British
Apple and Sea-buckthorn Berry Pie
     Origin: British
Blackberry Cordial
     Origin: British
Buttered Silverweed Roots
     Origin: British
Apple and Sea-buckthorn Chocolate Layer Cake
     Origin: British
Blackberry Frappé
     Origin: British
Buttered Sow Thistle
     Origin: British
Apple and Sea-buckthorn Flummery
     Origin: Russia
Blackberry Granita
     Origin: British
Butterless Bilberry Muffins
     Origin: British
Apple Syrup Parfait
     Origin: British
Blackberry Jam
     Origin: British
Butterless Blackberry Muffins
     Origin: British
Apple Tart Spiced with Herb Bennet Root
     Origin: British
Blackberry Jelly
     Origin: British
Butterless Elderberry Muffins
     Origin: British
Apple Wine
     Origin: Ancient
Blackberry Juice and Seaweed Pudding
     Origin: Ancient
Buttermilk with Sea-buckthorn and Carrot Juice
     Origin: Russia
Apple, Avocado and Cobnut Salad
     Origin: American
Blackberry Layer Pudding
     Origin: British
Cacen Blât Gwsberis
(Gooseberry Pie)
     Origin: Welsh
Apples with Sweet Cicely
     Origin: British
Blackberry Mead
     Origin: British
Cacen Blât Llus
(Bilberry Pie)
     Origin: Welsh
Arni Gemisto me Horta ke Feta
(Leg of Lamb Stuffed with Greens and Feta)
     Origin: Greece
Blackberry Sorbet
     Origin: British
Cacen Blât Mwyar Duon
(Blackberry Pie)
     Origin: Welsh
Asparagus and Morel Bread Pudding
     Origin: America
Blackberry Wine
     Origin: British
Cacen Blât Riwbob
(Rhubarb Pie)
     Origin: Welsh
Asparagus and Wild Chervil Soup
     Origin: British
Blackcurrant Ice Cream
     Origin: British
Candied Rose Hips
     Origin: American
Asparagus Frittata
     Origin: British
Blackcurrant Syrup Parfait
     Origin: British
Canina Honey
     Origin: American
(Sea-buckthorn Sorbet)
     Origin: Estonia
Blackcurrant Vinegar
     Origin: British
Carnes Vaccinae
(Beef Casserole)
     Origin: Roman
Autum Windfall Jelly Tart
     Origin: British
Bladder Campion Greens and Peanut Stew
     Origin: African Fusion
Carob-Chestnut Fudge
     Origin: British
Autumn Pudding
     Origin: British
Blakberry Syrup Parfait
(Blackberry Syrup Parfait)
     Origin: British
Carpaccio of Beef with Jerusalem Artichokes and Cobnuts
     Origin: British
Béchamel Sauce
     Origin: France
Blanched Hogweed Shoots with Herbed Butter
     Origin: British
Carpaccio of St George's Mushroom
     Origin: France
Baked Apples with Sea-buckthorn
     Origin: Russia
Blanched Hop Shoots with Herbed Butter
     Origin: British
Carragheen and Mackerel Mousse
     Origin: British
Baked Egg and Shaggy Ink Caps
     Origin: British
Boiled Hogweed Shoots
     Origin: British
Carragheen and Wild Cherry Mousse
     Origin: British
Baked Salsify
     Origin: British
Boiled Nettle Pudding
     Origin: Ancient
Carragheen Soup
     Origin: Ireland
Baked Savoury Eggs
     Origin: British
Boiled Wintercress Greens
     Origin: British
Carrot and Water Mint Soup
     Origin: British
Bara Lawr
(Laver Bread)
     Origin: Welsh
Braised Bean Curd
     Origin: Fusion
Bara Lawr Brecwast
(Laver Bread Breakfast)
     Origin: Welsh
Braised Bok Choy with St George's Mushroom
     Origin: Fusion

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Fusion Foods and Fusion Cooking

By gwydion | Published 2008-12-30 08:06:37 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Fusion cooking is the blending of ingredients and cooking techniques from different areas of the globe. Though most people thing of Asian-influenced dishes as being typically 'Fusion' modern Fusion cuisines can represent dishes influenced by the foods of any region of the world. Though South-east Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Indian influences tend to predominate. Here you will learn a little more about fusion cookery and will be presented with a classic Australian fusion dish.

The Origins and Importance of Main Courses

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-23 22:38:39 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

The main course is the most important part of any formal meal, with preceding courses leading up to it. Here you will learn a little more about main courses as well as how they developed in Ancient Rome. In additional a recipe for a classic Roman main course is provided.

Lamb Recipes - How to Cook with Lamb

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-23 22:37:18 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Lamb is one of the sweetest an most versatile of the red meats. Typically it is very tender and lends itself to a whole range of cooking methods. Here you are presented with two classic lamb-based recipes.

Traditional Barbecue Recipes

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-19 18:37:55 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Barbecuing, or cooking meat directly above a flame, is a very traditional cooking method and probably represents humanity's oldest cooking technique. There is nothing like a summer outdoor barbecue and here you will find recipes for a classic kebab and sticky ribs both designed to make the most out of barbecuing.

Making the most of Game - Braising Venison

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-19 18:36:19 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Game is one of the oldest meat types that humans have ever used. However, game animals tend to be very lean and need to be cooked carefully. This article provides some information about game animals and a recipe for cooking venison by braising slowly in dark beer.

Fruit Recipes - The Importance of Fruit

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-18 14:14:42 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Fruit have been a crucial part of the human diet for half a million years and more. Here you will learn a little about why fruit are so important and why certain foods are called 'fruit'. You will also learn a little about superfoods, what they are and what the next superfoods will be.

Fish Recipes - Making the best of Fish

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-12 13:40:20 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

Fish is the staple protein source for much of the human population. Fish is an important high-quality protein source that much of the Western diet is deficient in. In this article you will learn a little about fish as well as gaining two classic fish recipes.

Eggs in Cookery - the Magic of Eggs

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-09 09:10:33 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

The egg is one of nature's finest storage foods, packed with protein and fats. Chickens have been domesticated several times throughout human history and they are mankind's commonest domesticated animal, raised for meat and eggs. Here you will learn a little about eggs, why they are important in cookery and how they have been used throughout the ages.

Drinks Recipes - The Quest for Safe Drinks

By gwydion | Published 2008-11-03 14:22:44 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

When you examine the history of drinks, what you see is the attempt by human civilizations to render drinking water safe. This article gives an introduction to the ways various civilizations have chosen to make water safe to drink as well as providing two recipes for a fruit juice drink and a spice infusion of lemongrass.

Fruit-based Dessert Recipes

By gwydion | Published 2008-10-30 09:37:35 | 2008 Recipes and Cookery Articles |

Recipe Information:

The Romans were the first peoples to formally add a dessert course at the end of a meal. Here you will learn a little about why we like sweet desserts and why they all, in one way or another, echo the fruit our ancestors used to eat. You will also see two recipes for classic fruit-based desserts.

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