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2008 Region 9 Compliance and Enforcement Annual Results


EPA, working with our federal, state, and tribal partners, is committed to ensuring compliance with environmental laws to protect public health and our environment and to provide a level economic playing field for the regulated community. Compliance with environmental laws is essential to reducing pollutants in the environment and protecting the public from exposure to harmful contaminants. This year, EPA brought numerous cases against violators of all sizes, in both the public and private sectors. These actions will result in reduced emissions of harmful air pollutants, fewer discharges of sewage and industrial wastewater into our waterways, and cleanup of soil and groundwater pollution from historic releases of contaminants. Through these actions, we have also required violators to invest in pollution control to prevent future environmental degradation. We have also assessed civil and criminal penalties to emphasize that noncompliance will not be tolerated. In 2008, we brought enforcement cases in California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and on many of our tribal lands. 

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