Enforcement Report

The FDA Enforcement Report is published weekly by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. It contains information on actions taken in connection with agency regulatory activities.

Recalls and Field Corrections:  Foods -- Class I -- 07/28/1993

July 28, 1993

PRODUCT        Whole dry milk, nonfat dry milk, ice cream mixes, and
               Soyagen, spray dried and/or packaged since November 4, 1992
               at Maple Island, Inc.'s (MII) Wanamingo, Minnesota facility:
               (a) MII, et. al. brand Powdered Whole Milk;
               (b) MII, et. al. brand Instant Powdered Whole Milk;
               (c) MII, et. al. brand Instant Powdered Low Fat Milk.
               Recall #F-493/495-3.
               (d) MII brand Nonfat Dry Milk;
               (e) MII brand Powdered Nonfat Yogurt Mix;
               (f) MII brand Ice Cream Mix;
               (g) MII brand Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk Mix, Chocolate;
               (h) MII brand Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk Mix , Vanilla;
               (i) MII brand Nonfat Dry Milk,  High Heat, for baking;
               (j) MII brand, Nonfat Dry Milk, Low Heat.
               Recall #F-499/505-3.
CODE           Product                    Size              Lot No.
               Maple Island Instant       3.75 lbs        2324, 2325
                 Nonfat Dry Milk                          2353, 3062

               USDA Whole Milk (Russia)   5 lbs           3118, 3119
               USDA Whole Milk (Russia)   4 lbs           3126, 3127
                                                          3130, 3131
                                                          3132, 3133
               USDA Instant Whole Milk    4 lbs           3117, 3116
                (Russia)                                  3113, 3118
               Maple Island Whole Milk    4 lbs           R30W1
                Powder (generic label)
               Maple Island Extra Grade   50 lbs          A05W3, A07W3
                Spray Process Whole Milk                  A08W3, A09W3
                Powder                                    A10W3, A11W3
                                                          A13W3, A14W3
                                                          A15W3, A16W3
                                                          A17W3, A18W3
                                                          A20W3, A21W3
                                                          A22W3, A26W3
                                                          A27W3, A28W3
                                                          S11W2, S27W2
                                                          T01W3, T04W3
                                                          T05W3, T06W3
                                                          T07W3, T12W3
                                                          T13W3, T20W3
                                                          W02W2, W11W3
               Maple Island Powdered      5 lbs           3044
                Nonfat Yogurt Mix
               Maple Island Ice Cream Mix  4, lbs         3125
               Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk   5 lbs        2913
               Mix-Soft Serve & Milk Shake                423
                Mix-Vanilla Flavor (Military)             1323, 2023
                                                          2623, 833
                                                          1233, 1933
               Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk   5 lbs        2633
                Mix-Soft Serve & Milk Shake               143
                Mix-Chocolate Flavor (Military)           843, 1643
                                                          2243, 3043
               Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk   5 lbs        3029
                Mix-Soft Serve & Milk Shake               3044
                Mix-Vanilla Flavor                        3071, 3085, 2633
               Shakequik Powdered Ice Milk   5 lbs        3044
                Mix-Soft Serve & Milk Shake               553
                Mix-Chocolate Flavor
               Nonfat Dry Milk, High Heat,   4 lbs        1733
                For Baking Type I Class 3
               Low Heat Nonfat Dry Milk      4 lbs        17112
                Conventional, Type II                     18112
                Class I (Military)                        19112, 3122
                                                          333, 433
                                                          533, 933
                                                          2933, 3033
               Nonfat Dry Milk               1 lb         24112
                Single Pass Instant (Military)            3133
               Nonfat Dry Milk (Instantized) 3 lbs        19112
                Type IV (Military)                        20112, 3033
                                                          543, 643, 843
               Denia Powdered Whole Milk     2+ lb        2344, 3007, 3053
                                                          3061, 3109, 3127
               Denia Powdered Whole Milk     5 lb         2321, 2328, 2349
                                                          3026, 3027, 3036
                                                          3050, 3069, 3086
                                                          3092, 3111, 3123
               Denia Powdered Whole Milk     1 lb         2336, 2337, 2343
                                                          2351, 3008, 3054
                                                          3083, 3090, 3097
                                                          3111, 3124, 
               Denia Instant Powdered         4 lbs       2328
               Whole Milk                                 2358, 2363, 3006
                                                          3050, 3099, 3144
               Denia Instant Powdered         2 lbs       2311
               Whole Milk                                 2318, 2336, 2338
                                                          2339, 3015, 3016
                                                          3037, 3103, 3141
               Denia Instant Powdered        13 oz        2321
                Whole Milk                                3054
               Denia Instant Powdered        2 lbs        2311
                Low Fat Milk                              3013, 3014, 3015
                                                          3037, 3070        
                                                          3103, 3124
               Denia Instant Powdered        13 oz        2315
                Low Fat Milk                              2366, 3083, 3133
               Denia Powdered Low Fat        28 gms       T09M3
                Milk in pouches
               Ryt-Way Foods Redi-Lac        4 lbs        3035
                Whole Milk Powder 
               Sysco Extra Grade Whole Milk  50 lbs       S11W2
               Powder-26% Butterfat                       S27W2, T01W3,     
MANUFACTURER   Maple Island, Inc.,Wanamingo, Minnesota.
RECALLED BY    Maple Island, Inc., Stillwater, Minnesota, by letters of
               June 28-30, 1993, July 2, 1993 and July 6, 1993.  Firm-
               initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       Approximately 5 million pounds were distributed.
REASON         The products were manufactured under conditions in which
               they may have become contaminated with salmonella.

PRODUCT        Sherwood Medical brand (a) Propac Modular Protein
               Supplement, packaged in 12.3 ounce cans; (b) Sumacal Modular
               Carbohydrate Supplement, packaged in 14 ounce cans.
               Recall #F-507/508-3.
CODE           Products manufactured since November 4, 1992, at Maple
               Island, Inc's (MII) Wanamingo, Minnesota Facility.  Lot
               numbers:  (a) 965064; (b) 964934, 964935.
MANUFACTURER   Maple Island, Inc., Wanamingo, Minnesota.
RECALLED BY    Sherwood Medical Company, St. Louis, Missouri, by letter
               June 30, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Canada.
QUANTITY       Since approximately 3/10/93, approximately 2,900 cans of
               Sumacal, lot 964934 and 2,100 cans Sumacal, lot #964935,
               were distributed.  Since approximately 6/3/93, approximately
               800 cans Propac have been distributed.
REASON         The products were manufactured under conditions in which
               they may have become contaminated with salmonella.

PRODUCT        SeaRock brand West Coast Cooked and Peeled Shrimp Meat in 5
               pound plastic tubs.  Recall #F-539-3.
CODE           CS4193.
MANUFACTURER   Washington Crab Producers, Inc., Westport, Washington.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by Fax May 11, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Washington state, Oregon, California.
QUANTITY       7,914.5 pounds were distributed.
REASON         The product is contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

PRODUCT        Chocolate Flavored Diet Bar, 78 gm, for use as part of the
               recalling firm's diet plan product line.  Recall #F-540-3.
CODE           NOV 1693A.
MANUFACTURER   Nellson Candies, Inc., Irwindale, California.
RECALLED BY    Uni-Vite, Inc., Carlsbad, California, by letter May 7, 1993. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       222 cases (16 bars per cases) were distributed.
REASON         Product contains glass fragments.

PRODUCT        Individually Wrapped Candies, in 16 ounce bags, dark green
               in color with a leaf shape and mint aroma.  Recall #F-541-3.
CODE           None.
                                    -4-MANUFACTURER   Pena Produce Corporation, Bronx, New York (importer).
RECALLED BY    Importer, by telephone June 3, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
QUANTITY       300 cases were distributed.
REASON         Product contains undeclared FD&C Yellow No. 5.

PRODUCT        Herdez brand Salsa Casera, mild, 12 ounces.
               Recall #F-542-3.
CODE           Production code K283ESM1ML printed on top lid and package
               code 208271 on the long side of box container.
MANUFACTURER   Herdez, S.A. de C.V. Baja California, Mexico.
RECALLED BY    Festin Foods Corporation, Carlsbad, California, by letters
               of January 19, 1993, and April 6, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   California, Arizona.
QUANTITY       1,244 cases were distributed.
REASON         Product is contaminated with glass.

PRODUCT        Ancef, sterile Cefazolin Sodium (Lyophilized) equivalent to
               1 gram Cefazolin, packaged in glass vials of 1 gram/100 ml,
               10 units per packer and 4 packers per outside shipper. 
               Recall #D-296-3.
CODE           Lot #4703A37.
MANUFACTURER   Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Conshohocken,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone June 26, 1993, followed by letter
               and visit.  Firm-initiated field correction ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       14,170 units were distributed.
REASON         Some shipping cases are mislabeled as 10 gram.  The
               immediate and intermediate labels are correct as 1 gram.

PRODUCT        (a) Platelets; (b) Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-321/322-3.
CODE           Unit #60X28358.
MANUFACTURER   American Red Cross Blood Services, Miami, Florida.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone and by Fax June 19, 1991.  Firm-
               initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Florida, California.
QUANTITY       1 unit of each component.
REASON         Blood products, corresponding to a unit of Red Blood Cells
               which was possibly contaminated with microorganisms, were

PRODUCT        Genesys Gamma Camera for Nuclear Medicine, Models 2129-
               3011A.  Recall #Z-563-3.
CODE           All 2129-3011A Cameras.
MANUFACTURER   ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas, California.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by visit beginning June 1, 1992, and by
               telephone June 1, 1992.  Firm-initiated field correction
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Europe, Indonesia, China.
QUANTITY       317 units.
REASON         Wear occurs in the older Genesys Gamma Camera's ACME head
               screw assemblies resulting in reduced friction. If the loss
               of friction is significant and mechanical failure occurs at
               a point that disengages the germotor which drives the
               detector in and out, the detector could then coast downward
               with gravity.

PRODUCT        ADAC Labs, Genesys Gamma Camera, Model 21219-3011A, for
               nuclear medicine.  Recall #Z-564-3.
CODE           All serial numbers of Model 2129-3011A, Revision F7 and
MANUFACTURER   ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas, California.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by visit February 22, 1992.  Firm-initiated
               field correction ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Europe, Indonesia, China.
QUANTITY       298 units.
REASON         A problem exists within the radius drive mechanism of the
               camera.  A drive shaft of one unit broke and could have
               fallen and hit a patient.  It was determined that the lack
               of lubrication of bearings caused a mechanical failure which
               caused the bolts, securing the camera's detector, to weaken
               and break under extreme load.

PRODUCT        Software Option Pegasys/ARC Acquisition SW V1.81 Rev A. 
               Software is used with the ADAC ARC-300 Digital Nuclear
               Imaging System Device.  The software was distributed all
               under ADAC labels in each of the following software
               packages:  9200 - 0184 Software Option, PEG/ARC SWV 1.81,
               Rev. A; 9200 - 0185A Software Update, PEG/ARC SWV 1.81, Rev
               A; 9200 - 0174 Software Option, ARC Camera V 1.75, Rev A. 
               Recall #Z-565-3.
CODE           No lot or serial numbers are involved.  The software is
               identified as V 1.81 - Revision A.
MANUFACTURER   ADAC Laboratories, Milpitas, California.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter July 25, 1991.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       43 packages were distributed.

REASON         The Gamma Camera for Imaging the patient will continue to
               carry out full or partial instructions causing the camera to
               move unexpectedly while the computer is storing the

PRODUCT        ACS Digoxin Test Kits:  (a) ACS Digoxin Combos, 50 Test Kit
               Part #672249; (b) ACS Digoxin Combos, 300 Test Kit Part
               #672248, used to monitor heart arrhythmias.
               Recall #Z-589/590-3.
CODE           Lot numbers:  (a) 09810 EXP 6/6/92, 10805 EXP 6/11/92,
               10806 EXP 6/6/92, 11206 EXP 6/11/92; (b) 09811 EXP 6/6/92,
               06605 EXP 6/6/92, 09809 EXP 6/11/92.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics, Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone and by Rapidfax dated May 11,
               1992.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Australia, Italy, Finland, England, Belgium,
               Canada, Venezuela.
QUANTITY       292 kits were distributed.
REASON         Discrepant values exist between the ACS Digoxin method and
               reference methods.  The readings vary erratically, either
               higher or lower than the reference standards.

PRODUCT        Serono hCG Maiaclone, used for the quantitative
               determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in serum and
               plasma and the qualitative determination of hCG in serum,
               plasma and urine:
               (a) 150 Test Kit Part #472402; (b) 300 Test Kit Part
               #472400.  Recall #Z-611/612-3.
CODE           Lot numbers:  (a) 14140, 14790, 14459;
               (b) 14144, 14465, 14793, 14796.
MANUFACTURER   Serono Diagnostics S.A., Swtizerland.
RECALLED BY    Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
               Massachusetts, by telephone August 21, 1991.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       3,049 kits were distributed.
REASON         The products may yield falsely high test results with
               certain types of patient samples.  Inaccurate false test
               results lead to an error in diagnosis and treatment.

PRODUCT        MFHD Formatter, Model 46-308179P2, used with GE nuclear
               medicine systems, and for making hardcopy film images of
               video output.  Recall #Z-615-3.
CODE           All serial numbers.
MANUFACTURER   Camtronix Ltd. Medical Systems, Hartland, Wisconsin.
RECALLED BY    GE Medical Systems, Waukesha, Wisconsin, by letter September
               22, 1992.  Firm-initiated field correction complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.

QUANTITY       150 units were distributed.
REASON         Possible display of incorrect information.  When the MFHD
               Formatter is connected to two different systems, using the
               video A and B inputs, some incorrect patient and image
               information may be left on the film.

PRODUCT        Various sterile devices:  (a) Snap Kovers, sterile products
               used in surgical procedures to establish a sterile barrier
               between the operating site and any instruments-of usage
               (non-sterile) that may be used in this surgical procedure;
               (b) Decanting Devices - Bag Decanter, Vial Decanters and
               Transfer Device, sterile devices used in decanting sterile
               I.V. solutions to patients;
               (c) Drape Sheets, sterile devices used to establish a
               sterile barrier between patient and operating site during
               surgery.  Recall #Z-617/619-3.
CODE           (a) All product sizes and lot numbers shipped prior to April
               6, 1993 that do not have a reference label sticker
               identified as "reference*C-9XXXX" affixed to the dispenser
               side of each product box;
               (b) Bag Decanters -- Product #10-102.  All product shipped
               prior to April 6, 1993 with a lot number lower than 92651.
               Vial Decanter - Product #10-106.  All product shipped prior
               to April 6, 1993 with a lot number lower than 9245;
               Transfer Devices - Product #10-108.  All product shipped
               prior to April 6, 1993 with a lot number lower than 9223.
               (c) Drape Sheets - All product sizes/styles and lots that
               are in labeled pouches which were shipped prior to April 6,
               1993, and do not have a reference label sticker identified
               as "Reference*C-9XXXX" Affixed to the dispenser side of each
               product box.
MANUFACTURER   Advance Medical Designs, Inc., Marietta, Georgia.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter April 12, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       Undetermined.
REASON         Labeling of some product as sterile prior to undergoing
               sterilization process making the product nonsterile.

PRODUCT        Westmed Pacing Coil, temporary bipolar epicardial pacing
               device, Product #WPC-1.  Recall #Z-648-3.
CODE           Catalog #WPC-1, lot numbers:  5001, 5002, 36530, 7005,
MANUFACTURER   West Med, Osborne Park, Western Australia.
RECALLED BY    Deknatel, Inc., Fall River, Massachusetts, by telephone and
               by letter dated January 29, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Canada.
QUANTITY       2,456 units were distributed.
REASON         Some of the electrodes fail to conduct.

PRODUCT        Magic T4 Standards and Kits, used for the quantitative
               determination of thyroxine in serum or plasma:
               (a) Magic T4 Standard Part #472304;
               (b) Magic T4 Kits Part #472300;
               (c) Magic T4 Kits Part #472318;
               (d) Magic T4 Kits Part #472349.  Recall #Z-591/594-3.
CODE           Kits contain standard lot #03109.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone and by Rapidfax. Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.
QUANTITY       1,008 units and 933 vials sold as part of kits were
REASON         The product is unstable and may deteriorate.  The standards
               had lower or higher values, which may cause a potential for
               inaccurate test results.

PRODUCT        ACS Multicalibrator B2 & B4 Packs, used as a high and low
               calibrator for the ACS system for different assayed
               products:  (a) B2 Pack Part #672171; (b) B6 Pack Part
               #672181.  Recall #Z-595/596-3.
CODE           Product manufactured from lot 12 of Multicalibrator B:  Part
               #672171, 2-Pack Lot Nos: 06205, 06914, 07311, 07615 EXP
               7/16/92; Part #672181, 6-pack lot #06206 EXP 7/16/92.
               Product manufactured from lot 13 of Multicalibrator B:  Part
               672171 - 2 Pack lot numbers:  09201, 10406, 13304, 16801,
               18101 EXP 10/18/92.
               Part #672181, 6 pack lot numbers:  09202, 10407, 13303,
               18102 EXP 10/18/92.
               Product manufactured from lot 16 of Multicalibrator B:  Part
               #672171 2 Pack lot numbers:  27913, 28006 EXP 6/21/93; Part
               #672181 - 6 Pack lot numbers:  27914, 28005 EXP 6/21/93.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone on or about March 1992 and by
               Rapidfax.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.
QUANTITY       721 kits were distributed.
REASON         The high control values are in the range of 26, not the
               required 28.3 ACS test values.  These high commercial
               controls may result in misdiagnosis of patients for Thyroid
               Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
PRODUCT        Magic T3 Uptake Radioassay, used for the assessment of
               unsaturated thyroxine binding proteins (T3-Uptake) in serum:
               (a) Magic T3 Uptake Radioassay Standards Part #472289;
               (b) Magic T3 Uptake Radioassay Standards Part #472322;
               (c) Magic T3 Uptake Radioassay Kit Part #472320.
               Recall #Z-597/599-3.
CODE           Lot of Standard 02722; kit lot (made with lot 02722) 28308;
               Lot of Standard 12722; Kit lot (made with lot 12722) 29608.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone between November 3-6, 1992, and
               by Rapidfax November 3, 1992.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.
QUANTITY       1,210 kits of standards 741 and 702 kits of standards 624
               were distributed.
REASON         Product has low control values that may result in a decrease
               in patient and control values of approximately 6%.  This
               shift causes a potential for inaccurate test results.

PRODUCT        ACS/TSH Assay, an in-vitro diagnostic:
               (a) ACS/TSH Assay Combos, 50 test kit Part #672221;
               (b) ACS/TSH Assay Combos, 300 Test Kit Part #672220.
               Recall #Z-600/601-3.
CODE           ACS TSH Combos, 50 test Part #672221, Lot #01602 EXP
               5/16/92, 01508 EXP 5/16/92.
               ACS TSH Combos, 300 Test Part #672220, lot #01527 EXP
               5/16/92, #02711 EXP 5/16/92.
               ACS TSH Combos, 50 test Part 672221, lots 32208, 33001,
               33609, 34306 EXP 8/9/93.
               ACS TSH Combos, 300 test Part #672220, lots 32105, 32801,
               32907, 33007, 34304 EXP 8/9/93.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone February 26, 1992, and by
               Rapidfax March 2, 1992.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Canada, Belgium,
               Italy, Australia, Sweden.
QUANTITY       3,882 kits were distributed; firm estimates none remains on
               the market.
REASON         Testing commercial control recoveries of this product ran
               higher than the firm's specification.  This causes a
               potential for inaccurate TSH test results.

PRODUCT        Magic MAB TSH Control, in 10 ml vials, low control, used for
               the quantitative determination of thyroid stimulating
               hormone in serum.  Recall #Z-602-3.
CODE           Part #472368, lot #02882.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone November 12, 1992.  Firm-
               initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   New Jersey, Indiana, Florida, New Hampshire, Minnesota.
QUANTITY       10 vials were distributed.
REASON         The product was mislabeled with values of 0.11 + or - 0.6
               uIU/ml.  The correct value should have been 0.11 + or - 0.06
               uIU/ml.  This mislabeling may result in inaccurate quality
               control test results.

PRODUCT        Magic Ferritin Bulk Antibody and Tracer, used for the
               quantitative determination of ferritin in serum and plasma. 
               Recall #Z-603-2.
CODE           Bulk antibody - lot 11231, bulk tracer lot #01341R, combo
               lot 14903.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone March 31, 1991.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Colorado, Texas, Arizona.
QUANTITY       114 units were distributed.
REASON         The antibody did not meet the high dose hook claim (60,000)
               mg/ml as stated in the product insert.  This may result in
               inaccurate test results for the quantitative determination
               of ferritin in serum and plasma.

PRODUCT        The Immophase (125I) Folate Radioassay, used for the
               quantitative determination of N5-methyltetrahy-drofolic
               acid(MTHFA) in serum, plasma and red blood cells:
               (a) Immophase B12 Folate Combined Kits Part # 474272
               (b) Immophase Separate B12 Kits Part # 474276
               (c) Immophase Separate Folate Kits Part # 474273
               (d) Baxter B12/Folate Kits Part # 474781
               (e) Baxter (Japanese) B/12 Folate Combined Kit Part # 474787
               (f) B/12 Folate Standards Part # 474267
               (g) B/12 Folate Controls Part # 474271.
               Recall #Z-604/610-3.
CODE           Lot numbers:  (a) 20101, 18003, 22307, 23502, 23309, 24001;
               (b) 20602, 23402; (c) 18001, 20601, 23405; (d) 17907,
               17907A, 20502, 23407; (e) 20503, 23410; (f) 01900; (g) 1160,
               11620A, 01900.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone and by Fax Spetember 27, 1990. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Japan, France.
QUANTITY       Firm estimates none remains on the market.
REASON         B-12 values were 15/20% low in the deficient and
               indeterminate range of the assay.  This instability results
               in a potential for inaccurate test results.

PRODUCT        The Magic T3 (125I) Radioimmunoassay, intended for the
               quantitative determination of triiodothyronine (T3) in serum
               or plasma:  (a) Standards Part #472308; (b) Kit Part
               #472305.  Recall #Z-613/614-3.
CODE           Lot numbers:  (a) 10151, 10631; (b) Standard lot #10151, Kit
               lots 02907, 05901, 08603; Standard Lot #10631, Kit lots
               08405, lots 10206. 10705, 11302, 11508.
MANUFACTURER   Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, Medfield,
RECALLED BY    Ciba Corning Diagnostics Corporation, E. Walpole,
               Massachusetts, by telephone between May 30, 1991 and June 4,
               1991, and by Fax May 30, 1991.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.
QUANTITY       Standards lot 10151 were either shipped as standards (513
               units) or part of a kit as follows:  Lot 02907 - 98 kits;
               05901 - 741 kits; 08603 - 617 kits.  Total 1,456.
               Total standards shipped from lot 10151 - 513.
               Standards lot 10631 were either shipped as standards (589
               units) or as part of a kit as follows:  Lot 08405 - 20 kits;
               10206 - 29 kits; 10709 - 35 kits; 11302 - 22 kits; 11508 581
               kits.  Total 687 kits.  Standards shipped from lot 10631 =
REASON         The 0.25 ng/dl standard value of certain lots was
               misassigned and caused a poor backfit.  This low standard
               may result in inaccurate test results.

PRODUCT        Frozen shrimp (93-652-674/80).
CHARGE         Adulterated - The articles consist in whole or in part of
               decomposed shrimp.
FIRM           D'Iberville Cold Storage, D'Iberville, Mississippi.
FILED          June 30, 1993; U.S. District Court for the Southern District
               of Mississippi, Southern Division; Civil #1:93-CV-319RR;
               FDC #66738.
SEIZED         July 6, 1993 - goods valued at approximately $6,000.

PRODUCT        Top Gel antiseptic deodorant soap (93-675-436).
CHARGE         New drug - The article is an unapproved new drug. 
               Misbranded - The article's label fails to bear a quantity of
               contents statement, the established name of each of the
               active ingredients, adequate directions for use, and the
               article has not been listed as required.
FIRM           Wacar Imports, Inc., Orange, New Jersey.
FILED          June 11, 1993; U.S. District Court for the District of New
               Jersey; Civil #93-2534(AJL); FDC #66702.
SEIZED         July 2, 1993 - goods valued at approximately $8,000.

PRODUCT        Latex examination gloves (93-671-083).
CHARGE         Adulterated - The article's quality falls below that which
               it purports or is represented to possess, since the defect
               rate of the gloves exceeds the permissible rate. 
               Misbranded - The article is in package form and the label
               does not contain the name and place of the business of the
               manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
FIRM           Biomedical Innovations, Inc., Blacklick, Ohio.
FILED          June 8, 1993; U.S. District Court for the Southern District
               of Ohio, Eastern Division; Civil #C2-93-568; FDC #66729.
SEIZED         June 18, 1993 - goods valued at approximately $2,770.

