Graphic Header: Economic Impact of Health Care Regulations Town Hall Meetings
Graphic: Gold Divider Line

  triangle bullet Washington, DC
  triangle bullet Chicago, IL
  triangle bullet Oklahoma City, OK
  triangle bullet San Francisco, CA
  triangle bullet Schedule of Meetings
Public Comments
Contact Us

For Further Information Regarding the Purpose of the Meetings:

Marty McGeein or Adelle Simmons
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 424E
Washington, DC 20201
Telephone: (202) 690-6443

Submission of Public Comments:

For individuals unable to attend the meetings:

For individuals attending the meetings who wish to submit documentation to support their comments:


If you wish to register by telephone or need assistance with the online registration process:

Ms. Bridgette Saunders, CMP
Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.
8757 Georgia Avenue, 12th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Telephone: 301-628-3158
Fax: 301-628-3101

Graphic: Gold Divider Line
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