Welcome to farmersmarkets.net - the only directory of inspected and genuine farmers' markets in the UK! The National Farmers' Retail & Markets Association (FARMA) independently inspects farmers' markets to make sure they're the "real deal." Read on below to find out why our Certified farmers' markets are special.

To find your local farm shop or Pick Your Own farm, see our sister sites, farmshopping.net and pickyourown.info!
Site last updated: 02/12/08

See our Certified Farmers' Markets calendar

FARMA Certified Farmers' Market

Farmers' Market of the Year 2009
Brigg and Moseley farmers' markets win top award!

Two farmers' markets this year share the crown of FARMA Farmers' Market of the Year. Brigg Farmers' Market in North Lincolnshire, won the title of Rural Farmers' Market of the Year 2009, while Moseley Farmers' Market in Birmingham won Urban Farmers' Market of the Year at the FARMA Awards Ceremony in November.

The judges were impressed that within just eight years of trading, Brigg farmers' market has revitalized the heart of this picturesque town centre, working across the community to establish a far-reaching reputation for quality and local foods.

The judges also felt Moseley farmers' market to be an exemplary, community focused event. It is large and lively, regularly featuring more than 50 producers selling some excellent quality produce, and has become a monthly meeting point for an average 5,000 people in Birmingham's innercity suburbs.

Read more about Brigg Farmers' Market
Read more about Moseley Farmers' Market
Read more about the FARMA Local Food Awards 2009

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What is a farmers' market and what makes them special?

A farmers' market is a market in which farmers, growers or producers from a defined local area are present in person to sell their own produce, direct to the public. All products sold should have been grown, reared, caught, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked or processed by the stallholder.

FARMA, the National Farmers' Retail & Markets Association indipendently assesses and certifies farmers' markets round the country to make sure they're the 'real deal' so you can be confident you are buying the freshest, most local produce possible, supporting your local community and economy, and helping the environment by reducing food-miles. Look out for the certification logo below!
FARMA standards launched June 2002.

FARMA Certification logo

Click here for more on market guidelines and FARMA Certification.



Find a farmers' market near you!

With over 500 farmers' markets in the country, and over half genuine FARMA Certified Farmers' Markets, there's bound to be a market near you offering a wide range of quality, local, ethically-retailed, reared or produced, foods. Click here or on the map above to select your county, or search by your postcode.

Find more great fresh & local foods! Search for farm shops in the UK at our sister site, farmshopping.net

For pick your own farms in the UK, visit our other sister site pickyourown.info

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Calendar dates and other market information is subject to change; always check with the market organiser before setting out

Call FARMA at local rates on 0845 45 88 420